The Great Benefits Of Berries

Red fruits not only have an attractive color, aroma, shape and flavor, but they are also a source of essential nutrients for the body. For this reason, it has been recommended to consume them regularly within a balanced diet.

Gooseberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, plums stand as little-big treasures assorted with vitamins, minerals, fiber and more. Do you want to know them a little better? Then do not miss everything that we are going to tell you below.

Main properties of red fruits

Most experts recognize that eating highly colored fruits such as berries can improve health. This is mainly because they are a source of flavonoids and antioxidants.

It is said that the more intense the color of the fruit, the higher its nutritional value. Thus, when we see a fruit with an intense red color, we will know that it has a high intensity of antioxidants, such as anthocyanins.

As indicated by the experts of the Spanish Heart Foundation, fruits -and also red fruits- can help us reduce cholesterol, take care of cardiovascular health and especially, fight against free radicals, which are the elements that accelerate cellular aging and increase the predisposition to develop various diseases.

Read more about: Why Antioxidants Are Important

What amounts should I consume to benefit from the red fruits?

The so-called red fruits or berries are not always in season, but when they are, the ideal is to make the most of them. Be careful, this does not mean that we should only consume red fruits exclusively to take care of our health. What is recommended is to integrate them into a varied and balanced diet whenever possible.

For some, the ideal is to consume a bowl of berries a day, but the truth is that everyone is free to choose the amount they consider most appropriate for their body. This always taking into account what the nutritionist indicates.

Starting the day with a cup of cereal with strawberries, five or six currants and a red plum can be a good way to incorporate a good portion of these foods into your diet.

Another option would be to make a salad that includes half a pomegranate or drink a glass of natural red fruit juice. You choose the way that best suits you!

Benefits of the main red fruits



Strawberries are foods that can provide vitamins E, C, B and K beta-carotene, folates, potassium and fiber, which apart from nourishing the body, help fight  free radicals.

Black currants

They are not available all year round, and depending on the country you are in, they can be more expensive than usual. But you will be surprised to know that they have more vitamin C than oranges. And the most important thing to remember: drinking its juice provides a lot of energy, so it is ideal to start your engines before going to train at the gym or take a long walk.


Who can’t love raspberries? They are delicious and aromatic, but they are also a good source of vitamin B, in vitamin C, folates, fiber and flavonoids.  Nor can you forget its contribution of fiber, which is perfect for regulating digestion and avoiding constipation. To a lesser extent, they can also provide calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium.


There are many studies that tell us about the ability of cherries to reduce uric acid and reduce joint pain. They provide several essential nutrients, but their contribution of beta-carotene, vitamin C and potassium is usually highlighted.

Red plum

According to popular wisdom, if we take them dry, they will be a good remedy to relieve constipation. However, we can also take them in other ways, if we prefer. It is often true that we love to take them both in jam and naturally, as they are a good source of vitamin C, E and other antioxidants.


They are delicious and perfect for dressing breakfasts and countless dishes. In addition, they help us reduce bad cholesterol, take care of teeth and gums, since they contain vitamin C and E, among other essential nutrients, including fiber. 

Read: Why is it important to eat fruits and vegetables according to the WHO?

Red fruit juice.

Ready to take advantage of them more often?

Now that you know everything that red fruits can bring you … will you start to take advantage of them more often? We hope so!

Remember that you do not need to eat a specific amount every day or stop eating other pieces of fruit. The ideal is always to eat them within a balanced diet, according to the recommendations of the nutritionist or family doctor.

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