5 Natural Remedies For Daytime Sleepiness

Although many turn to coffee to reduce sleepiness, there are other options that are healthier and more effective in counteracting it.

Daytime sleepiness, also known as hypersomnia , is a common problem in the population. It is often caused by poor quality of sleep, nutritional deficiencies, and some diseases.  It is a condition that manifests itself with a feeling of heaviness and clumsiness of the senses that, many times, makes the person fall asleep at inopportune moments.

Although it is initially considered normal, it is very important to pay attention to it because it interferes with daily tasks and increases the risk of work and traffic accidents. Although the ideal is to guarantee an optimal rest process, not less than 8 hours a day, some natural remedies can also be taken into account to counteract it .

Causes of drowsiness


There are studies that define daytime sleepiness as a “physiological state that promotes the establishment of sleep.” Likewise, they explain that this disorder is considered excessive when the subjective sensation of sleep takes place “at an hour or in an inappropriate situation that occurs daily for at least three months.” Insomnia and sleep disorders are listed as the main causes of daytime sleepiness.

IntraMed experts comment: “Sleep deprivation is the most common cause of daytime sleepiness. Healthy people can experience symptoms even after mild sleep deprivation. Studies that limited adults to six hours of sleep per night for 14 successive nights showed significant deterioration of neurobiological functions ”.

Other associated risk factors are:

  • Anemia
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Chronic stress
  • Hypercalcemia
  • Sleep apnea
  • Heavy digestions
  • Low blood pressure
  • Thyroid problems
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Consumption of medications (tranquilizers, sleeping pills, antihistamines, etc.)

Natural remedies for daytime sleepiness

To effectively combat drowsiness, it is necessary to identify its origin and follow the doctor’s instructions. Additionally, the following natural remedies could be considered.

  • In case of being under pharmacological treatment, none of these remedies should be consumed without the authorization of the professional, since it could cause interactions.

1. Green tea

Green Tea

Green tea is a drink rich in catechins and caffeine, therefore, some believe that it can help combat daytime sleepiness.

  • You should not consume more than 2 cups a day. 
  • It is not recommended to consume it within 40 minutes after a main meal.
  • Green tea may be contraindicated in some cases, therefore, before starting to consume it regularly, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Important note: Studies have been published indicating that green tea is a beverage that can help improve sleep quality and reduce stress.

2. Warm lemon water

According to beliefs, warm lemon water can help ward off daytime sleepiness. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these beliefs. At the moment, it is only considered a natural hydrating drink. However, there are those who take advantage of it first thing in the morning to feel “more energetic”.

3. Yogurt and banana smoothie

Due to its content of potassium, fructose, glucose, fiber and vitamin B6, bananas are considered to be an excellent option for an energizing breakfast that counteracts daytime sleepiness.

For their part, experts from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) indicate that yogurt is a food that contains high-quality proteins, in addition to calcium, magnesium, zinc, among other nutrients.

Both yogurt and bananas contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps stimulate the secretion of serotonin and melatonin to improve sleep quality. Therefore, by combining both foods in the same preparation, it is considered that an energizing drink, full of nutrients, can be obtained.

4. Yerba mate infusion

Yerba mate

Considered a natural energizer, yerba mate has a revitalizing action that counteracts the effects of fatigue and daytime sleepiness. It helps improve blood circulation and, by optimizing cellular oxygenation, acts beneficially on mental performance.

Sleep problems require medical treatment

Remember that the consumption of these drinks can never replace the treatment prescribed by your doctor. In any case, they could help you complement a healthy lifestyle.If daytime sleepiness is persistent, it is recommended that you request a medical check-up to find out what may be the cause.

According to the MSD Manual, the treatment of insomnia and daytime sleepiness depends on its cause and its severity. When insomnia is the result of another disorder, the latter should be treated. This treatment can improve sleep.

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