Combat Varicose Veins With A Homemade Vinegar And Green Tomato Treatment

Varicose veins are veins that dilate due to the difficulties of circulation to return normally to the heart.

It is one of the most common aesthetic problems in women. It usually develops in adulthood due to genetic and hormonal issues.

In a healthy body, valves constantly push blood flow from the lower body to the heart muscle.

However, due to the wear and tear that they tend to suffer, inflammatory problems are generated that end in the formation of varicose veins.

At first they usually go unnoticed and do not represent a health problem. However, over time they can lead to an uncomfortable feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs.

Because of this, it is essential to pay attention to them. To do this, we must improve life habits. Likewise, we can also take into account some remedies that can help us promote your recovery.

This time we want to share an alternative vinegar and green tomato treatment. This has calming and anti-inflammatory effects, so it can help us alleviate this problem.

Take note!

Homemade vinegar and green tomato treatment to relieve varicose veins

The combination of green tomato with apple cider vinegar gives us a natural therapy. This can help reduce the size of varicose veins that form on the legs.

It is a treatment for external use. After several applications, it can help reduce inflammation of the affected veins and improve blood circulation.

Its content of essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, supports the functions of the lymphatic system after being assimilated through the skin.

Thanks to this, the liquids and toxins retained in the tissues are eliminated normally. Thus, they can no longer be an obstacle to control this problem.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar and apples

Apple cider vinegar is a natural tonic with anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, thanks to its apple content, it contains small amounts of histidine, a vasolidator.

Therefore, applied regularly, it could help us reduce the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins.

It also contains natural acids, as well as vitamins and minerals. These can help us  activate blood circulation while reducing the risk of premature aging.

Its external application can exert an analgesic and relaxing effect. Thus, it  can be useful when varicose veins cause pain and a feeling of stiffness.

As if that were not enough, it contains antioxidants that benefit the health of the skin. Thus, it can help you eliminate toxins and maintain firmness in this area of ​​the body.

Green tomato benefits

green tomatoes

The external use of green tomato has become popular as an alternative and inexpensive remedy for unsightly varicose veins that form on the legs.

This vegetable has Ixocarpalactone-A, an antioxidant that helps fight oxidative stress and inflammation.

In addition, it contains numerous vitamins and minerals. Among them, vitamin A stands out, a nutrient with many benefits. Among them we find its antioxidant properties. In addition, they also promote skin care and the immune system.

In addition to this, it is a refreshing ingredient, rich in water, so it can help us hydrate the skin. This will keep the skin elastic, which will promote circulation.

How to prepare this vinegar and green tomato treatment?

potted green tomatoes

To prepare this treatment against varicose veins you must make sure to buy 100% organic apple cider vinegar. The refined presentations do not have the same nutritional richness.

In addition, you should bear in mind that, due to its acids, the ideal is to combine it in equal parts with water so that it is not aggressive for the skin.

However, if you don’t have sensitive skin, you can try it on its own. However, we recommend that you try it little by little, checking the condition of the skin constantly.


  • 5 green tomatoes
  • 1 cup of organic apple cider vinegar (250 ml)


  • Glass jar with lid
  • Adhesive bandage or gauze


  • First, cut the green tomatoes into several slices and then place them in the glass jar.
  • Then cover them with the apple cider vinegar and seal the mixture for 48 hours.
  • Finally, put the product in a cool and dark place so that it concentrates well.

Application mode

person bandaging leg

  • First, take several slices of the tomato and then put them on the varicose veins.
  • Then, completely cover the affected areas and cover with an adhesive bandage or gauze, so that the tomato remains fixed.
  • Leave it on for 40 minutes and rinse with cold water.
  • You can repeat its use every day, minimum 2 weeks.

Are you still suffering from varicose veins? Go ahead and prepare this natural remedy and use it continuously to achieve good results.

Keep in mind that it is not miraculous or similar. It can simply  be helpful in reducing this condition.

Also, keep in mind that it is not a treatment, but a supplement that can provide some relief. In these cases it is best to consult a specialist to give you the best treatment.

Likewise, it is advisable to eat a balanced diet and exercise your legs frequently.

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