6 Tricks To Strengthen Your Immune System

Something as simple as staying hydrated or sleeping well helps us strengthen our immune system. Do it for your health.

The immune system constitutes the defensive barrier that our body has to protect us from c Any entity that can harm us. So, strengthening it must be one of our priorities if we want to be healthy people.

We know how to take care of, for example, teeth and skin. However, much less emphasis is placed on habits that would help us strengthen the immune system. Its importance is what has led us this time to want to talk to you about defenses. You will discover here, then, fairly simple and highly recommended tips to enjoy a better quality of life in general.

1. Sleep no less than 7 hours

Better sleep without pills

More than a pleasure, sleeping is a necessity, because it is essential for your body to stay healthy. When we sleep, cells regenerate and the body recovers from daily wear and tear. This is partly because the immune system’s antibodies fight off pathogens during this time. So things, c hen we don’t get enough sleep, we are robbing the body of the opportunity and time it takes to recover.

Now you know: On your list of things to do to stay healthy, you should to sleep 7 hours every night. This way you will be favoring the immune system.

2. Eat more raw citrus fruits and vegetables, and less meat and dairy.

Vegetables and fruits in general contain high levels of antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system. When you consume the right dose of citrus or berries, you can be sure that you are getting the vitamin C and antioxidants that you require. Thus, at Eating a diet rich in raw vegetables and fruits ensures that your body is in better condition to avoid potential illnesses.

Your immune system depends on the proper functioning of the intestine. Hence, consuming a lot of meat, eggs or dairy, negatively conditions the state of the defenses. Instead, fast-digesting foods like fruits and vegetables cause protein to be removed more quickly.

3. Practice exercises regularly

Exercise is of great help in reducing the chances of contracting chronic and epidemic diseases. Exercising doesn’t have to cost you a lot of time or money.

Think about this: You have 24 hours a day, of which 7 are to sleep. You really can’t spend 30 minutes exercising? All you have to do is reserve one hour a day to do something that you are passionate about: dance, practice yoga , walk, bike or run. Any physical activity will help strengthen your immune system, make you feel incredibly good and full of energy. to.

Also, exercise is one of the most effective ways to fight stress. Therefore, by exercising you will not only be promoting the improvement of your health, but it will also make you feel happier. So take advantage of whatever time you have free to get a little exercise. Thirty continuous minutes of physical exercise is as effective as three periods of 10 minutes each.

4. Stay hydrated

Drinking 8 glasses of water a day, at least, are essential to stay hydrated. This way you are also strengthening your immune system. Q The fact that around 80% of our body is water explains that, without it, our body cannot effectively remove toxins and other impurities that accumulate throughout the day . And, by not being eliminated, the toxins remain circulating in our bloodstream, which ends up weakening the immune system.

On the other hand, l dehydration causes your organs to not work properly. It is like leaving the door open to disease. Our recommendation, therefore, is that you consume at least 2 liters of water daily. We advise you to always carry a bottle of water with you.

5. Maintain proper hygieneshower

It is the advice that we have been given since we were little to stay away from diseases. Considering that pathogens are everywhere, the Hygiene is extremely necessary.

The main recommendations are:

  • When you don’t have water on hand, use antibacterial gel.
  • Avoid putting your hands on the mouth .
  • Take a shower every day.

Remember to choose cleaning products that do not contain chemicals that are hazardous to health. It will always be better to opt for natural substitutes.

6. Say no to cigarettes

Smoking or simply inhaling smoke affects every organ in the body and weakens your immune system. In this sense, c There are more and more cities in which smoking is prohibited on public spaces. And it is that e Tobacco is among the most common causes of hypertension and several types of cancer, particularly those related to the respiratory system. Also, if you are trying to strengthen your immune system, tobacco will derail all your efforts.

In conclusion

Follow these 6 tips and you will experience a remarkable improvement in your quality of life. Go ahead and leave behind the habits that harm your health and, in particular, the immune system.

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