How To Have Healthier Skin

To achieve healthy skin free of blemishes we must take care of it both inside and out and avoid negative emotions and stress

Perhaps it is because your habits are not helping you, quite the opposite. Find out more in the following article.

Tips for healthier skin

Healthier skin is achieved by being healthy inside and out. That is why we say that our daily actions can affect the health or appearance of the dermis. Pay close attention to these tips for radiant, young and beautiful skin:

Use moisturizers

We may think that facial lotions or creams are a luxury but, in truth, they are a necessity. It is important to use these products on a daily basis and take into account your skin type or age.

You can pamper yourself with a good cream (natural, if you wish) that improves the appearance of your face without spending a fortune.

Eat in a balanced way

treat sensitive skin or dermatitis

Eating a healthy diet is the basis for any goal we want to achieve with our body.

If you spend it eating fast food, sugars and fats that will affect your skin. Otherwise, if you choose raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes, your face will thank you, and  you will be happier and healthier to enjoy it.

The foods that can not be missing in your day to day are:

  • Seeds (flax and sunflower)
  • Strawberries, blueberries and blackberries
  • Plums
  • Tomatoes and red peppers
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Yoghurt
  • Salmon
  • Spinach

Rest well

Sleeping 7-8 hours a day is not a fad or a nonsensical repeated formula. It is the time our body needs to recover from the activities carried out during the day.

As with the mobile phone, which needs to recharge its battery,  the body, mind and skin require a good rest. If you sleep well you can reverse the damage caused by free radicals, your cells will oxygenate better and the muscles and tissues will repair themselves.

Surely you have noticed that, after a sleepless night, the next day you look fatal. On the other hand, if you rest, you look good and you feel more animated, fresh and energetic.

Drink a lot of water

We are not usually aware that we should drink liquids until thirst takes over our mouth and throat. Let’s not wait for that moment to hydrate ourselves.

In addition to refreshing you, the water provides moisture to the skin and that prevents wrinkles and sagging. You will look younger and more radiant with just 4 glasses of water per day.

And if you get bored, you can opt for other liquids: natural juices and herbal teas. Soda, coffee, and alcohol don’t count.

Reduce stress

There are many negative consequences of continuous stress. Among them we can indicate that the skin looks dry, dull and wrinkled when we spend a lot of time with this negative emotion.

For this reason, we recommend that you reduce your pressures and obligations, try to lead a more relaxed life and do those activities that give you pleasure and satisfaction.

Use sunscreen

Use sunscreen

A little contact with UV rays is good for your health, because it increases the production of vitamin D and gives us some color to the cheeks. However,  excessive and unprotected exposure is a great risk.

When you go out, put on a good protection factor. Even if it is cloudy or winter. The sun is always there and it can be very dangerous.

Do not hesitate to wear sunglasses and a hat to be more protected and avoid going out at the most dangerous hours (at noon).

do exercise

You can choose the one you like the most and the one that does not become a burden or obligation.

Any discipline you choose is suitable for feeling good, losing weight, eliminating tension and also getting rid of toxins that worsen skin health.

Maintain daily hygiene

Many times we are so tired at night that we do not even remove our makeup. Leaving traces of shadow, eyeliner or blush dulls the skin and makes it sick. On the contrary, allowing the dermis to be cleansed of any toxins during sleeping hours helps to have healthier skin.

Wash and exfoliate to remove impurities and oiliness. The result will be fresher, more natural skin that is free of wrinkles or pimples. You can opt for makeup remover wipes, special creams or water and neutral soap.

Apply a weekly mask

Make a weekly mask

The days that we are at home we can take advantage of to do thousands of things, for example, a good mask for the skin, which frees us from impurities and toxins, in addition to nourishing and hydrating the cells.

You can choose a natural option, like cucumber or avocado, or buy a cream in the store.

Spend more time outdoors

Being locked up at home or the office is not healthy for your skin (and not for your mind either).

That is why it is good to go out for air in a park, take your dog for a walk around the block, take a walk with your friends or family, drink a smoothie on the balcony at home.

There are many options available to you to release tension and stress and enjoy nature.

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