8 Interesting Uses Of The Microwave That You Probably Didn’t Know About

The uses of the microwave are almost always the same: cooking or heating food quickly. However, the utility of this appliance, so common in kitchens, can go much further.

Have you thought about disinfecting objects or dyeing fabrics with the heat of the microwave? Here are some alternative uses to get the most out of it. Take note!

8 uses of the microwave that will surprise you

The microwave is one of the appliances that are here to stay. Thanks to its many uses in the kitchen, today it is one of the essential tools in many homes. Let’s see how you can get more out of it.

1. Peel off stamps or labels

If you don’t want to ruin that container you just bought, you can warm it up a bit in the microwave. This way, the labels will come off easily.

  • First, you will have to moisten it a bit with water.
  • Next, you need to put it in the oven for 20 seconds.
  • After this time, remove it and check that you can remove those annoying labels, without making too much effort and without leaving a trace.
    Remove tags

    2. Cut an onion without crying

    The sulfur compounds in onion are the reason why you get tears when you start to cut it. However, this can be avoided if, before cutting, you place the vegetable in the microwave.

    • To do this, cut the ends of the onion and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds.

    3. Disinfect sponges

    Sponges are used to clean various surfaces. This causes that, over time, they fill with all kinds of bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to clean them very well after using them.

    The microwave can be used to carry out the disinfection process, instead of throwing the sponges in the trash when they are still in good condition.

    • To start, dip them in a good amount of white or lemon vinegar in a microwave-safe container. Then put them in the appliance, at high heat, for a minute.
    • The acidity of these ingredients, along with the heat, will help remove bacteria from the sponges, making them suitable for new use.

    4. Get more juice from a lemon

    Sometimes lemons do not have enough juice for the preparation of recipes. For this reason, if you put them in the microwave for 20 seconds. The heat will soften the peel a bit and make it easier to extract all of its juice.

    Lemon juice

    5. Extend the life of your lash mascara

    The problem with lash mascara is that it dries easily in some environments, and clumps can form when applied. Therefore, if you notice that the product has this problem, prolong its useful life by considering this simple trick.

    • First, put the mascara in a full glass of water.
    • Afterward, microwave it for 30-40 seconds.
    • With this method, the dried product will regain its liquid texture.

    6. Dyeing fabrics

    Are you tired of the same color in your clothes? If you buy a dye in your favorite color and take advantage of your microwave, you can give it a renewed look.

    • Put the garment in a container with water and the dye of your choice.
    • Cover it, then microwave on high for 4 minutes.
    • After this time, wait a couple of minutes and check the new color of your clothes.

    7. Sterilize canning jars

    The sterilization of canning jars is a hygienic process that eliminates the possible bacteria and dirt contained in them. The most common way to do it is to boil them in plenty of water for a couple of minutes.

    However, if the idea is to spend less time and have the same benefits, put a little water inside and heat them in the microwave for two or three minutes. When you notice that the water is boiling, it will be time to remove them.

    Sterilizing canning jars is one of the uses of the microwave

    8. Heat pad

    To alleviate some muscle aches, fill a sock with lentils, tie a knot and put it in the microwave for 4 minutes. After making sure the heat is suitable for your skin, apply it to the affected areas until it cools completely.

    Try these uses of the microwave

    Did you know all these uses that you can give to the microwave oven? Now that you know these tricks to get more out of this appliance. Do not hesitate to make it one of your allies for household chores.

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