The Great Benefits Of Facial Cleansing With Chamomile

Chamomile or common chamomile is one of the most used plants in the field of natural medicine, since ancient times. This plant is widely used as a soothing or digestive remedy. However, the benefits of this herb do not end there.

In terms of beauty, it is believed that chamomile is very suitable for regenerating the skin, reducing inflammation and fighting acne. This herb is a clear example that nature always puts countless remedies within our reach. Next, we will tell you about its advantages.

Chamomile for a more beautiful skin

The scientific name of this plant is Chamaemelum nobile , although we know it as chamomile or chamomile. Surely, you have ever taken an infusion of this herb and it is even possible that you have one of these plants adorning the windows or the garden.

T he chamomile infusion is very often used to treat heartburn and heavy digestions.  However, what is not talked about much is the effects it has on the skin.

Remember that you should not use any product without consulting your doctor first, especially if you have any skin abnormalities.

Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory for the skin

There are many products to reduce inflammation and provide a soothing action on the skin , made from chamomile. A document on medicinal plants, supported by an extensive bibliography, confirms that chamomile has these properties.

However, with the plant in its natural state, simple home remedies can be prepared, such as a natural soap or a facial cleansing infusion.

If you get used to bathing daily with water or chamomile soap, you will see how it soothes areas that have inflammation or redness. It is also a great antiseptic; It will help eliminate bacteria and harmful elements that cause infections or alter the balance of the skin. An article published in the journal ReciaMuc reviews the antibacterial properties of the plant.

Skin regeneration

Chamomile contains essential oils, such as bisabolol A and B and matricin, and flavonoids, such as apigenin; all of them are therapeutic substances capable of contributing to the regeneration of the skin.

E l treatment with soap chamomile helps treat eczema, and minor burns and produced by the sun. An academic document from the San Carlos University of Guatemala indicates that chamomile essential oil has regenerative properties for the skin. However, it is not advisable to apply any product on an eczema or a burn, without consulting the doctor first.

Finally, it is useful to know that if you suffer from skin rashes, this plant can help alleviate the problem. An article in the Journal of Health Research and Information supports these data.


Possible remedy for acne

Acne is not a problem unique to adolescence. Hormonal changes also cause this problem. In these cases it is very useful to have a good chamomile soap on hand.

Chamomile is characterized by its vasoconstrictor and anti-allergenic action;  that makes it ideal for treating pimples and pimples. In the same way, it helps to have a cleaner and toned skin and to heal the marks that acne leaves on the face.

However, an Integrative Medicine medical document advises that chamomile can cause minor skin irritation, so it is not recommended as a remedy for severe acne.

How to use chamomile to take care of your face

Face masks

Chamomile soap

Chamomile soap can be found in specialty beauty stores. It is common to see that other therapeutic elements are added to its composition, such as calendula.

To benefit from its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant properties, it is necessary that you perform a proper facial cleansing every day in the morning and in the afternoon. The results may be noticeable after a week.

However, it is always advisable to make a specific use first to see how it reacts in the body and thus avoid allergic reactions. No scientific research was found to support the effectiveness of chamomile soap on the skin. Therefore, it should not be used without consulting your doctor first, especially if you have a skin problem.

Chamomile water cleaning

Some people believe that another of the benefits of chamomile is that it  acts as a cleaner of impurities and molecules that come from environmental pollution . There are those who point out that this plant protects the skin against toxins and free radicals that accelerate aging and also cause the appearance of spots. However, no scientific document was found to support the cleaning and / or anti-stain effect of this plant.

According to popular belief, it would be appropriate for you to perform a facial cleansing with chamomile water every day .  The procedure to do it would be the following:


  • 3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers (30 gr).
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml).

chamomile oil


  • Boil a cup of water in a kettle.
  • Once it has come to a boil, add three tablespoons of chamomile flowers. If you wish, you can add two sachets of chamomile tea instead.
  • Let it boil for 15 minutes.
  • After that time, turn off the heat and allow it to rest for another 10 minutes.
  • With the help of a cotton pad, moisten the face with a light exfoliating massage, to allow the pores of the skin to absorb this medicinal water.

    Those who believe in the efficacy of this remedy apply this compound to the skin every night, before sleeping . They also use chamomile soap or other chamomile-based products, such as essential oil, to improve the appearance of the skin. Do you dare to try it?


    The effects of chamomile on the skin are not fully verified, but it is known that in some cases it can cause adverse reactions. Do not forget to consult your doctor before applying a product based on this plant.

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