Teach Your Child To Be Generous

Why should you teach your child to be generous? Is it worth the effort? Our answer is definite is that  s t your child should inculcate generosity. There are many reasons for that,

We live in an open, tolerant society based on economic, cultural and social exchange. Therefore, teaching sharing is essential to socialize properly.

In addition, generous people are better viewed by others, as more open and friendly, and also more trustworthy. The latest research in this regard is expressed in this line.

How does your child learn to be generous?

Before giving or sharing it is important to connect with others. Only by knowing the person can we identify their needs and help them satisfy them to the extent possible. However, if you want to teach your child to be generous, you will need patience.

The article “Generosity in children: educating to share” points out that children do not have the ability to voluntarily share their belongings, since they are learning about the sense of property and natural selfishness.

Generosity in childhood

From the age of 4, children learn to share for rewards, but it is not until the age of 5 or 6 that children begin to recognize the value of what they own, as well as the value of the belongings of others.

Girl helping a boy to get up.

At this age, children also begin to develop a feeling of belonging to a particular group. You will notice that if you put all your assets together, you will have more.

At the age of 7, the child will have a greater emotional openness that will allow him to recognize the needs of other people. You may also experience feeling satisfied and good about yourself for helping someone with something that is valuable to them. It can be said that this last age is the key period to accentuate the value of generosity in the child’s life.

Adolescence and sincere generosity

From the beginning of adolescence, the young person begins to feel what generosity and solidarity really are. Your sense of justice and empathy will strengthen your civic convictions, and you will also enjoy the satisfaction of helping others fully.

Why should you teach your child to be generous?

An ancient proverb that states that “there is more happiness in giving than in receiving . A person who is generous experiences pleasure, pleasure and joy in sharing what he has with others.

Selfless sharing makes us rich inside  while helping and comforting another person to feel better. But not only that, because cultivating good qualities will allow your child to be an adult committed to society and its well-being.

Generosity can be expressed in a number of ways. You can share time, money, company, objects, knowledge, skills … However,  sharing is not giving what is left over or what we do not like. Rather, being generous allows us to seek balance by doing our best to build a harmonious society.

Little girl sharing a cookie with her father to learn to be generous.

Teach your child to be generous, but balanced

On the other hand, one must try not to distort the concept of generosity. Being generous means willingly sharing what we have, but without exceeding our limits and without affecting our own well-being.

We must take care of ourselves and our needs. This will allow us to share a little of our abundance with others and for both parties to enjoy the magic that generosity produces.

Your example is important

As in many other cases, parents are the first reference and role model in terms of behavior. Therefore, if you are generous, they will want to imitate you from a young age.

In each of the stages of their life, you must be constant with regard to serving others to create habits in your children. Thus, when your little one acts in a contrary way, a feeling of guilt will arise in him. This feeling will give you the opportunity to think about what happened and change your behavior on your own.

Activities that train generosity

Perhaps teaching a child to be generous can be quite a challenge. However, it is important to set targets to see progress. As a parent, you are the best person to assess the level of generosity in your children, so you can try each of the following activities:

  • Share belongings with others.
  • Play with everyone, not just friends.
  • Give help in studies to those who need it.
  • Listen with interest to those who speak and need to be heard.

Steps to be generous

According to specialists dedicated to education and good practices in children, cultivating generosity requires a great effort. However, they do recommend some measures that will help parents and children to be generous.

Generous children.

  • Try to be positive and smile despite unfavorable situations, both individual and others.
  • Be accessible and reasonable about your personal tastes. This will allow you to make exceptions and give in when others choose a certain activity that you don’t like.
  • Try to keep your word and responsibilities despite exhaustion. This will be a sign of commitment to others.
  • Listen to the people who need your help. Sometimes just listening with your heart helps a lot.
  • Use your skills and what you know to help others.

In short, human beings have a life full of opportunities to be happy and help others to be. In fact, generosity is one of the seeds that germinate the friendship and love that are sorely lacking in society. If you have decided to teach your child to be generous, you will not only help him to do good, but you will  also leave him a key in life to feel full and happy.

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