5 Ingredients That You Should Avoid In Your Toothpaste

Although small amounts do not have to pose a risk to health, since we brush every day it is advisable to opt for a more toothpaste natural

Have you ever wondered what your pasta contains? teeth ? Could it have harmful effects on health? Should you be concerned about associated chemicals? Well, it is not very common to hear that pasta is harmful or has effects that alter the body.

The exact chemicals that help whiten your teeth and have healthy teeth can cause some damage. Therefore, you should avoid those that have certain products that in the end are not healthy or recommended. Check the label of your pasta and make sure it does not contain:

5 ingredients to avoid in your toothpaste

1. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

The SLS is commonly used in the products of personal hygiene . This ingredient is what allows the characteristic foam of toothpaste to form So what’s wrong with it? It is known to come from coconuts and to become contaminated during the manufacturing process with chemicals that have been associated with:

  • Cancer
  • Irritation on the skin
  • Endocrine disorders

These damages occur when sodium lauryl sulfate is present in concentrations of 2% or higher. The most recommended is that your toothpaste has a concentration of 1% or less.

espima toothpaste

The bad news is that this compound can be harmful.  This is the reason why most toothpastes and mouthwashes carry a legend of “Do not consume this product”.

4. Formaldehyde

Also known as formaldehyde, this is not necessarily a compound in toothpaste, but is used  to disinfect some ingredients of the same and that it is suitable for use.  It is important to note that its ingestion can be very harmful. It cannot be used alone, much less for tooth brushing.  

Among its possible side effects we find:

  • Jaundice
  • Kidney damage
  • Hepatic injury
  • In the most serious cases, even death

We can also present less serious disorders, such as:

  • Eyes teary
  • Sickness
  • Coughing fits
  • Chest tightness
  • Rashes

For all the reasons indicated, this compound is used in very small amounts, just to eliminate bacteria from the teeth.

5. Glycerol

This substance is found in car antifreeze and used as a compound to prevent pasta from drying out . If it weren’t for the glycerol, the paste would be rougher. Although it may not seem toxic, if ingested it can cause:

  • Sickness
  • Liver and kidney problems
  • Allergic reactions
  • Short of breath
  • Numbness or swelling of the tongue, lips, or face

Alternatives to traditional toothpaste

Without a doubt, there are many components that you did not know you use or that are normally in toothpaste. Now that you know them, you might want to avoid them.  Among the possible alternatives, we can look for natural substitutes:

  • Dry brushing
  • Brushing with baking soda
  • Brushing only with water, (it will not leave you fresh breath, but it will eliminate bacterial plaque)
  • Use coconut oil

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