5 Habits To Avoid For Good Mental Health

Like any other part of the body, the brain requires certain care to strengthen memory and enjoy good mental health in general. In general, our daily routine focuses on losing weight or keeping our skin and complexion hydrated. But what about our mind?

Although most of us do not ask ourselves this question very often, the truth is that there are some habits that can be changed to avoid problems in the future. You want to know more? Here are 5 of them. Dare to change the routine and take care of your mind!

Why should we take care of our mental health?

Sunset yoga

According to a Mental Health publication , mental health encompasses our emotional, psychological and social well-being. Therefore, it directly affects the way we think, feel and act. In addition, it affects how we relate to others and the way we react to stressful situations.

The mental state is equal to or more important than the physical state, so it is paradoxical that we go to the doctor for any ailment, but we refuse to seek psychological or psychiatric help when we are overwhelmed by our emotions.

Mental health is something that cannot be seen with the naked eye, because what we feel, most of the time, are subjective symptoms. The signs warn us of physical illnesses, however, psychological disorders rarely show them. For this reason, we speak rather of internal symptoms.

This means that, in most cases, the person does not worry so much and does not go to a professional. As a consequence, a discomfort may be incubating that, because it has not been treated from the beginning, could turn into a significant disorder.

5 habits that should be avoided to improve our mental state

Mental health is important at any stage of life. Therefore, it is necessary to change certain habits that may compromise it. Although we know that the solution depends on the cause and the evolution of the problem, the following recommendations could help prevent certain conditions in the future.

1. Not eating a balanced diet

Although many times we do not take this into account, food plays an important role in our mental health. According to a publication by the Mental Health Foundation , the brain needs a mix of nutrients to function properly and stay healthy. Among the list are the following:

  • Variety of fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains or bread
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Dairy products
  • Fish
  • Water

2. Not getting enough sleep

Without the correct hours of sleep, the body will not be able to regenerate. There are many people who go to bed late or, due to obligations, cannot fall asleep properly. When this misconduct becomes a habit, cognitive processes are greatly affected.  

In fact, an article from Harvard Medical School notes that not getting a good night’s rest affects levels of neurotransmitters and stress hormones and wreaks havoc on the brain, affecting thinking and emotional regulation. This favors the appearance of stress, depression, bad mood, among others.

3. Smoking

Smoking does not allow you to enjoy good mental health

Health professionals treating people with psychiatric problems often overlook their patients’ smoking habits, assuming that depression, anxiety, or substance abuse problems are best dealt with first.

However, research from the University of Washington, in the USA, proposes that people who struggle with mood problems or addiction can safely quit smoking and that, in addition, the fact of quitting this habit, it is associated with better mental health.

4. Don’t exercise

It is no secret to anyone that doing some kind of physical activity on a regular basis is essential to avoid certain conditions and enjoy good health in general. Similarly, as a study published in The Primary Care Companion indicates , it affects the proper functioning of the brain.

In the post, it is commented that aerobic exercises, such as jogging, swimming, biking, walking, gardening and dancing, reduce anxiety and depression. This is due to increased blood circulation in the brain, which would also help lower stress levels.

5. Using electronic devices for a long time

Woman looking at mobile

Currently, most social practices are lived through the network or the internet. Thus, the rhythm of life focuses on those electronic devices where you can access social networks and other similar things.

The constant use of technology, especially smartphones , prevents us from taking advantage of  the present and putting aside any other activity that can give us satisfaction on a day-to-day basis. In addition, it leads to vision problems, and it appears to be linked to stress, insomnia, depression and anxiety.

Now you know some daily habits that, perhaps, you did not give enough importance to. However, it is worth emphasizing that with small changes we can greatly improve our quality of life and enjoy good mental health.

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