Tips For Proper Digestion

It is normal that we do not give importance to having proper digestion, until we have some problem with it. Often, with the passage of time, we acquire routines less and less healthy and we neglect, above all, our diet.

We take for granted that just eating is enough to get out of trouble, but it is not. To be healthy, you have to know how to eat properly.


It should be noted that, according to García Luna, N, from Nutrición Hospitalaria de Madrid (2007), ” The main function of the intestine is to achieve adequate incorporation of nutrients into the body, and this is carried out through the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients. When these functions fail, Maldigestion and Malabsorption appear, which present characteristic clinical data and which should be studied by means of a series of specific techniques for each of the digestive steps and each of the nutrients “

Therefore, to leave behind the heaviness, bloating and other discomfort every time we eat, we must put certain guidelines into practice. All of them are aimed at teaching us to know how to choose what we eat and to enjoy it.

Food for proper digestion

There are many foods that do not contribute anything to our health. Many of them look tempting and we often fall for them and end up having poor digestion.

Therefore, it is necessary to know which are the foods that can benefit us in every way and thus, include them in our diet more frequently.

1. Bananas 

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages inflames the lining of the stomach and prevents nutrients from food from being properly absorbed.

4. Chocolate

Chocolate is one of the foods that can make digestion difficult, especially if you suffer from constipation or lactose intolerance. However, consuming a little dark chocolate, which does not contain milk, can be beneficial for the body.

Other tips for proper digestion

To have a good digestion it is necessary to take enough time to eat calmly, chewing food well. There is nothing worse than eating in a hurry because we fill up with gas, bloat and, in short, we end up with a heavy digestion.

Likewise, it is recommended to rest for at least 15-20 minutes after having made a meal. This does not imply sleeping, but rather sitting down to rest calm and relaxed. 

Finally, we must remember that if we drink a lot of liquids between bites, we make the salivation process difficult and, therefore, digestion. Therefore, it is recommended not to drink too much during meals.

We reiterate that it is necessary to consult with a specialist in gastroenterology for any questions we may have.

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