7 Tips To Beautify Your Nails Without Spending On Manicure

Do you want to beautify your nails without spending a lot of money on manicures?

So, these tips are going to enchant you. In a very simple way and, sometimes, with products that you have at home, you will be able to beautify your nails in a spectacular way.

Today we will discover 7 very simple tips that do not require much time to carry them out.

Perhaps some of them you already know or have put them into practice.

However, we encourage you to try the rest, because you will surely like them too.

1. Baking soda to whiten and beautify your nails

Sometimes, due to the poor quality of the polish or over painting our nails, they can acquire a yellowish tone.

This is very unpleasant and the nails appear to be in poor condition.

In addition, if we want to put on a transparent nail polish, the result will not be what we are looking for.

So using baking soda can be a great idea.

Rubbing our nails for about 15 minutes with this product that almost all of us have in our home will return to their natural color.

Of course, repeat this care relatively frequently.

beautify your nails

2. Apple cider vinegar to strengthen

Do you notice that your nails break frequently? This does not have to be because you paint your nails a lot, but it can respond to different factors.

If your nails always break easily, you will love this tip.

You just have to make use of vinegar, a product that you can use by rubbing it with a cotton ball on the nails or dipping them in it.

The best is apple cider vinegar and using it every other day will make a difference.

3. Lemon to nourish

Although it may not seem like it, lemon can help you beautify your nails, nourishing them, but especially disinfecting them.

Well, sometimes we can suffer from nail fungus because we do not take care of them as we should.

With the help of a cotton ball, we can rub the lemon juice on our nails or immerse them in it.

However, the most comfortable comes first. Doing it frequently will allow you to discover that your nails look better.

4. Olive oil to hydrate

If we have brittle or dry nails, it would be important to combine the use of lemon with a good dose of olive oil.

This product will also create a protective layer that will prevent nails from breaking easily.

The best way to use olive oil for this purpose is to sink our nails into it. Once we take them out, we can let the oil rest a little. After a few minutes, we can clean up.

5. Glitter to get us out of trouble

Glitter beautify your nails

Don’t have any colored nail polish on hand? Do you want to decorate your nails with something more than a simple transparent polish?

If this has ever happened to you, we recommend that you have the glitter that you like best on hand.

After you’ve put clear polish on your nails, dip your fingers into the glitter, then let it dry.

After this, remove the excess and cover with a new layer of transparent nail polish. The result will be spectacular!

6. Washi-tape for flawless nails

The washi-tape is also a product that can get us out of trouble if we don’t even have transparent enamel on hand.

We can coat our nails with it, adapt it and trim it to the exact shape.

The positive thing about this product is that it is easily fixed, but we have to be careful so that there are no wrinkled areas. After putting it on, we can file the excess in the upper area of ​​the nail.

7. Home decor

If you want to beautify your nails and be creative at the same time, we encourage you to play with glitter and washi-tape .

If you mix a nail polish with glitter, you will have a nice bright color.

In the case of washi-tape , you can cut out different shapes that adorn your nails.

You can also use a fine marker to create spectacular drawings.

However, this will already depend on our creativity. If we want something more original, we can use tape to also make unique designs or sponges to get gradients.

Have you ever put some of these tips into practice to beautify your nails?

Which of them did you like the most and which ones the least? Beautifying your nails doesn’t have to be expensive.

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