Why Is It Beneficial To Put A Piece Of Garlic Or Onion On The Ear?

The medicinal properties of garlic and onion are undeniable, as they have been used as a treatment since ancient times.

At present they are still preferred as alternative medicine, since it is proven that they have a strong antibiotic, antioxidant and antiviral action that can inhibit the activity of different microorganisms and toxic agents for health.

In many parts of the world they are known as “the health duo” recognizing their effects to improve circulation, lower cholesterol and treat hundreds of chronic problems that threaten physical and mental good condition.

What are the benefits of this garlic and onion remedy?

To many it might seem ridiculous and unpleasant to put a piece of garlic or onion in the ear. But the truth is that this remedy is becoming more and more popular and those who have tried it claim to have received important benefits for their health.

The antibiotic and antioxidant effects of both vegetables act from this area of ​​the body to treat common conditions such as ear and respiratory infections.

In addition, they can  improve the body’s immune response, to deal with viruses and bacteria that seek to reach the body to do their thing.

Below we share the main virtues of these foods for health and the proper way to use them in the ear.

Garlic benefits

Garlic benefits

Garlic is a natural source of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds necessary for the various functions of the body, such as:

  • Vitamins B6 and C.
  • Minerals such as potassium, calcium, and phosphorus.
  • Allicin and quercetin.
  • Glutamine acid
  • Aspartic acid.

For all the compounds it concentrates, this bulb could help the body in multiple ways, warns the Spanish Heart Foundation:

  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Control bad cholesterol.
  • Improve circulation
  • Regulate blood pressure.

Onion benefits

Onion benefits

Famous for its many uses in gastronomy, onion is a vegetable with a very important medicinal value thanks to its possible diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties.

90% of the onion is made up of water and the other 10% is made up of amino acids and essential nutrients such as:

  • Vitamins of group B.
  • Vitamin E and C.
  • Minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, and sulfur.
  • Fiber.

Like its ally, garlic, onion can be effective in alleviating  mild or chronic pathologies associated with the cardiovascular system. It could also have a hypoglycemic action and help fight the proliferation of bacteria to prevent and stop infections.

Due to the properties attributed to it, it is usually recommended to improve the body’s defenses and prevent colds, bronchitis, pharyngitis and other respiratory conditions.

Instructions for using garlic or onion on the ear

garlic or onion in the ear

This simple natural remedy is a great solution that could help alleviate problems associated with the ears, such as: ringing, clogging from excess wax, or infections. However, it is believed that it could also be good for improving many other aspects of health. However, it is important that you always consult with your doctor. Many times home remedies can work very well as a supplement.

That I have to do?

  • Get an organic garlic, wash it and cut it into small pieces.
  • Place one of the garlic pieces in the ear (not inside the ear) and secure it with a bandage or tape so it does not fall off.
  • Leave it in place overnight and the next day, remove it.

Ideally, you should feel relief from its first application; however, if the discomfort persists, you can repeat the treatment.

For a more powerful action, you can put a piece of the heart of an onion next to the garlic to take advantage of its anti-inflammatory and antiviral benefits.

To keep in mind!

As it is a 100% natural remedy, there is no danger in using it regularly. However, if after the second application the expected relief is not found, it is best to consult the doctor to find the origin of the ailment.

If you have or have suffered from any type of chronic ear disease, you should consult before using this treatment.

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