What Are The Symptoms Of Sciatica?

Symptoms of sciatica are felt when the sciatic nerve becomes compressed or inflamed. It is important to recognize and treat them, as they sometimes complicate and affect quality of life.

Sciatica symptoms are the result of irritation to the sciatic nerve from trauma, disease, or fracture. They affect men more often than women, especially after muscle overexertion or high physical impact tasks.

They can present in varying degrees of intensity depending on the underlying cause. Although some cases are mild and sporadic, others manifest themselves in a chronic and prolonged way, being a reason for disability and sick leave.

Below we want to tell in detail how it manifests itself and when it is necessary to visit the doctor.

What is sciatica?

The term “sciatica” refers to pain that runs along the sciatic nerve, running from the lower back, down the leg, to the outer edge of the foot. It starts when the nerve becomes compressed or inflamed, almost always on only one side of the body.

Sciatica pain

It is not a disease as such, but it does appear from disorders such as herniated disc, bone spur and spinal stenosis. In addition, certain cases also occur due to fractures, injuries and tumors such as the pancreas or chondrosarcoma.

Although sciatica symptoms can be severe, most cases are controlled with rest and nonsurgical treatments. Only severe cases, such as those with significant leg weakness, may require surgery.

It is very important to learn to recognize this condition, as it can cause complications when it is not treated. Therefore, we detail them below.

Symptoms of sciatica

One of the most distinctive symptoms of sciatica is pain in the lower back that radiates to the buttock and the back of the leg. This pain can manifest itself in multiple ways and is felt in any part of the path that the sciatic nerve travels.

It often affects only one side of the body and can be accompanied by alterations in skin sensitivity. While in some cases it is mild and prolonged, others occur suddenly, with an intensity so strong that it prevents normal movements in the patient.

Similarly, pain can increase when coughing, sneezing, or sitting for a long time. However, it tends to decrease with walking or resting.

Other symptoms of sciatica include:

  • Pain in the toes.
  • Pain that makes it difficult to stand up.
  • Inability to stand on tiptoe.
  • Limitation of movement of the hip and knee.
  • Muscle weakness and decreased muscle reflexes.
  • Tingling or numbness in the joint.

Differences between low back pain and sciatica.


In general, the symptoms of sciatica decrease with therapies and are no longer an obstacle to leading a normal life. In fact, many cases improve in a matter of days with rest, without the need for treatment.

But in small cases, this condition can lead to permanent nerve damage, leading to other complications. It is essential to request the timely intervention of a doctor in case of presenting more serious signs such as:

  • Muscular weakness.
  • Impaired bowel or bladder function.
  • Loss of sensation in the affected leg.
  • Pain on both sides of the body (bilateral sciatica).

When to consult the doctor?

Doctor talking to his patient about treatment.

If the symptoms of sciatica are mild, they usually do not require medical attention. Now, if they last for several days, or become more severe, then a professional evaluation is necessary to determine their cause and the pertinent treatment.

The doctor can suspect the problem with a physical examination that includes some specific movements of the patient. In addition, it can also suggest X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to check herniated discs or bone spurs. The consultation is recommended in case of:

  • Signs of urinary or fecal incontinence.
  • Sudden and intense pain, to the point that movement is limited.
  • Violent injuries or trauma, for example from a traffic accident.
  • Noticeable redness and swelling in the lower back or affected region.

Treatment of sciatica symptoms

Since sciatica can appear from other diseases, its treatment may vary depending on the diagnosis. Many cases do not need pharmacological or surgical measures because the pain disappears on its own after resting. To calm pain and reduce inflammation, measures such as:

  • Apply hot or cold compresses to the area of ​​pain, sciatic nerve,
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  • Reduce the practice of physical activity in the first days.
  • Do strengthening exercises after two to three weeks.

In conclusion, although sciatica can be mild and intermittent, its symptoms should not be ignored. When they become recurrent they are a clear sign of other diseases that involve the nerve.

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