Reflections For Parents

In view of the fact that we consider that reflection is fundamental, as it leads to a comprehensive and balanced understanding of reality, below we offer you several reflections for parents. These can help you better understand both relationships and the changes your family may experience at certain times.

It is very important to know how to use reason before acting or imparting discipline. And reason is only reached by reflection, thinking about all the elements of the equation.

Therefore, they will help us to improve as parents, and to be more attentive to children.

First thoughts for parents 

Mom talking to her baby

Children are the most valuable inheritance that life offers us

When we receive an inheritance, we must manage it, invest it and use it in something useful to get useful, profit. In the same way, parents must invest in the training and education of our children. It is about offering them the opportunities so that they can develop as individuals in all areas and senses.

On the other hand, the love of their parents is the best legacy we can leave to our children. They will carry it with them for a lifetime.

Children are the impulse of parents

Children are the force that moves us to perform work satisfactorily. Parents carry out activities with motivation, we fulfill commitments and we are responsible with work because we know that our children will be the beneficiaries.

We look for ways to improve ourselves, to move up and be better because we know that this will result in the economic well-being necessary to offer our children better food, clothing and education. They are definitely our driving force for life.

Punishing or indulging a child will never be beneficial

Parents are here to care for, advise and raise our children in the best way. The upbringing of a child should be defined more by love than by imposition,  but a healthy love that helps them grow as individuals.

Repeatedly punishing a child is definitely not the best way to correct and guide them.

We must learn to communicate effectively with our children and  connect with their needs, as well as help them meet them in a healthy way. On the other hand, giving a child everything he asks for is not the best we can do for him.

This will make him a child (and a future adult) unable to value what he has. Giving our children everything they want and ask for can be one of the worst damages we can do to them.

Other reflections for parents

  • When you have a child, all the children in the world feel that they are yours.
  • Parents cannot (and should not) always give their children all the material they want. What they need and deserve is education, care and love.
  • There is no manual for raising children. The great manual is the son, who just by existing teaches us how to be parents.
  • Good parents don’t give their children everything they need, they teach them to be able to get what they want and to be enough.

    Parents as a model of life

    United family lying on the floor.

    For a father, the opinion that the son has of him is very important. Everything that our children feel, believe and think about us as parents is transcendental.

    Indeed, in life, they will choose us as role models (for better or for worse). Therefore, it is important to be a good example for our children, a role model.

    Model parents

    A child is a being that life has placed in our hands. From the moment it is born, we must love it, enjoy it and ensure its development as an individual, professional and citizen.

    Parents are responsible for making our children compassionate, professional, ethical human beings, good citizens.

    Parents must seek to satisfy the needs of our children. And it is not only about material or economic needs: physical and intellectual, mental, emotional, spiritual needs. In addition, especially those related to values.

    Ultimately, the education of children must be comprehensive. A model father seeks at all times a comprehensive education for his children alike. And it is that the final objective must be to train people of firm character, independent, ethical and healthy in all aspects.

    Inspiration can be mutual

    Mother with her children laughing and meditating.

    It is important that these reflections for parents, among many others, we take into account when making the momentous decision to bring a child into the world.

    Living the experience of being parents from these reflections can make us a better model for our children.

    We must always remember that what we do with our children, they will do with their future children. Therefore, parents must be the best example. We can start by becoming aware of it with these reflections for parents.

    Ultimately, as parents, in addition to enjoying them and making them good men and women (our greatest responsibility), we must make them feel fully proud of us.

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