8 Reasons To Include White Tea In Your Breakfast. You’ll Love It!

Although it contains less caffeine than coffee, white tea helps us optimize our productivity from the first hour, both physically and mentally. In addition, it favors the elimination of liquids

White tea, originally from China, is a drink made from the delicate buds and young leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant .  The plant is dried in the sun’s rays and then goes through a preservation process that allows it to maintain its flavor and nutritional characteristics.

Considering that for some it is still unknown, today we want to dedicate this space to reveal 8 good reasons to consume it for breakfast. Keep reading!

8 reasons to include white tea in your breakfast

For decades, white tea  has become popular around the world for its high concentration of antioxidants. In fact, it is estimated to have three times more polyphenols than green tea.

These substances, added to their vitamins and minerals, exert a protective effect against the negative action of free radicals.  In the medium and long term, they prevent the development of various chronic pathologies.

In addition, interesting slimming effects are attributed to it. In fact, taken on a regular basis, it promotes the functioning of the metabolism and the elimination of toxins.

1. Fight overweight

White tea

The caffeine and catechins in white tea are helpful in promoting healthy weight loss. However, always as a complement to diet and exercise.

These compounds increase the activity of the metabolism and optimize energy expenditure that facilitates the burning of calories during the day.  In addition, its polyphenols improve the digestion process of fats. They also prevent them from settling in the arteries and surrounding areas of the body.

2. Promotes skin and hair health

Incorporating this drink at breakfast provides the body with a large amount of phenols. These antioxidants strengthen and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.

As some of you already know, both proteins are key in building skin tissues, muscles, and hair fibers. Its daily absorption promotes healthy hair growth and creates a protective barrier against agents that accelerate skin aging.

3. Improve productivity

fill the body with energy

Do you want to increase your productivity? Thanks to its moisturizing properties and essential amino acids, this healthy drink is a great ally for better physical and mental productivity during the day.

These qualities increase the secretion of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. And these two neurotransmitters are associated with good mood and physical well-being.

4. Protects liver health

White tea also supports liver health. Due to its combination of powerful antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, it is one of the best remedies to strengthen and protect the health of the liver.

Its active compounds promote the proper functioning of this organ. In fact, they favor the elimination of toxins that are usually retained in your tissues.

5. Improves cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular health

This medicinal drink also benefits the heart. The catechins contained in this plant are useful to improve and strengthen the health of the cardiovascular system.

These essential nutrients promote the expulsion of bad cholesterol (LDL) retained in the arteries. And, incidentally, they reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.  They are even useful for improving the elasticity of the arteries, which is essential to prevent high blood pressure and chronic circulatory problems.

6. Strengthens the immune system

Its composition gives it antibiotic and antiviral properties that can help fight pathogenic bacteria. For example, Salmonella tryphimurium .

Thanks to these properties, in addition to its powerful antioxidants, it improves the response of the body’s immune system, since it increases the presence of antibodies that destroy germs.  In fact, by consuming it for breakfast, you reduce the risk of infectious and viral problems such as respiratory or urinary system diseases.

7. Improves digestive health

Digestive disorders

Ingesting this tea as part of breakfast helps to promote the activity of the intestine. Thus, it avoids chronic problems such as inflammation and constipation.

Its digestive and anti-inflammatory effect improves the process of decomposition of food. At the same time, it optimizes the absorption of nutrients and promotes the processes that are responsible for removing waste from the colon.

8. Combat fluid retention

Finally, the diuretic effects of this natural drink are useful to stimulate the elimination of retained liquids.  Thanks to these qualities, and the benefits provided by its essential minerals, it fights excess inflammation and reduces chronic problems such as joint pain.

White tea has a very pleasant flavor that you will love to enjoy as part of your breakfast. It is a great alternative to coffee, as it contains less caffeine and more essential nutrients. Don’t stop enjoying it!

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