7 Tips To Remove Underarm Spots After Childbirth

Tired of looking for a way to remove underarm spots? It is common for the skin to become stained during pregnancy; it happens to the vast majority of women. This condition can appear in the form of simple and nice freckles on the cheek but it is also very likely to cause unsightly spots in the armpits.

The cause of its appearance is associated with hormonal changes. Of course, everything will depend on the skin type of each woman. Although pigmentation tends to fade after delivery, these 7 tips below can be helpful in helping speed up the skin’s recovery process. Go ahead and try them!

Why do underarm spots appear?

As we mentioned, many women have spots on some parts of the body during pregnancy. Some have dark armpits, while others notice these changes in the crotch or nipples. On the other hand, women with darker skin are the ones who are more likely to appear this problem.

Regarding its causes, a publication of The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists points out that dark marks appear due to an increase in melanin in the body. Although it is something that can be very uncomfortable, it is a natural part of the process of changes that are experienced at this stage.

Underarm spots

The usual thing is that, after delivery, when the hormones reach their pre-pregnancy levels again, these areas return to their normal state. However, it is also likely that after the hormones stabilize, they will not regain pre-pregnancy pigmentation.

7 recommendations to treat underarm spots

In addition to the normal changes of pregnancy, it is very likely that you will notice how some parts of your body begin to turn a little darker, especially the armpits. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to remove stains. We tell you what they are.

1. Breast milk

Breast milk to remove dark spots from the armpits

Although it sounds strange, it is said that one of the many benefits of breast milk is that it can help lighten areas of the skin that have darkened during pregnancy. Its use has no contraindications, so you can check its effects without any concern.

What should you do?

  • Simply express some milk, apply it to the underarm spots, and let the skin dry.
  • You can also try this remedy on pre-pregnancy spots.

2. Oats

Oatmeal is one of the most popular products when it comes to making masks, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. In addition, it is believed that its application on a regular basis can help reduce skin blemishes.

What should you do?

  • Make a paste with two tablespoons of oatmeal, one tablespoon of honey, and the juice of one lemon.
  • Then, place the mixture on your armpits and let it act for about 15 minutes.
  • Then, remove it by rinsing with lukewarm water.
  • This procedure can be done while the baby takes his nap and you spend a few minutes for yourself and your beauty.

3. Glycerin

Glycerin is one of the main ingredients in many beauty and skincare products. This is due to its softening and moisturizing properties. Although there are no conclusive studies on its whitening effects, some people claim that glycerin could help for this purpose.

What should you do?

  • Mix about 10 drops of glycerin, 10 drops of lemon, and 10 drops of almond or olive oil in a bowl.
  • Then, apply this mixture on the underarm spots before bathing.
  • Wait a few minutes and bathe as you normally do.

4. Yogurt

While it doesn’t help to lighten skin blemishes, plain yogurt is a good option for a gentle exfoliation once a week. This process helps to remove dead cells and prevents the hair from encrusting, making the armpits look darker.

What should you do?

  • Prepare a mixture with a tablespoon of plain yogurt and a tablespoon of oatmeal.
  • Apply it to the armpits with a gentle massage.
  • Leave it on for five minutes and remove it with warm water.
  • Also, the ideal is that you apply a moisturizer when finished.

5. Lemon

One of the most popular remedies to lighten spots is lemon, although there is no scientific evidence in this regard. If you decide to try it, keep in mind that you have to be especially careful when applying it to sensitive areas such as the armpits. So it is best to start with small doses and see how they react.

What should you do?

  • Cut thick lemon slices and rub them into the armpits.
  • After 10 minutes, rinse with cold water, let it dry and apply a moisturizer.

6. Coconut oil

Beyond its use in the kitchen, coconut oil is attributed several properties, among which its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and skin moisturizing effects stand out . In addition, it is said that it could help lighten skin blemishes.

What should you do?

  • Prepare a paste with coconut oil and oatmeal, put it on the armpits and leave for 15 minutes.
  • After this time, rinse with plenty of water.

Coconut oil for dark underarm spots.

7. Laser

The laser treatment focuses on the stain without damaging the skin tissue, thereby helping to depigment underarm stains. However, this method requires  more than one session before seeing any results, so it may not be compatible with the care of a newborn.

Eliminate underarm stains, what should you keep in mind?

First, you should know that one of the most important measures is prevention. Therefore, it is essential to keep your skin hydrated, both with adequate fluid intake and using moisturizing creams or lotions. On the other hand, do not forget to use a good sunscreen to prevent the effects of sun exposure from adding their contribution to hormonal changes.

On the other hand, although we know that these spots can be unsightly, we recommend that you do not subject the delicate skin of the armpits to extreme treatments, especially after childbirth. At this stage, sensitivity is literally on the surface.

Avoid using baking soda, which, although it is a good option for some health, beauty and teeth whitening problems, can be very abrasive for this area. Instead of lightening, you can make underarm spots worse.

In addition to this, it is important to avoid deodorants with alcohol. There are products that promise to remove blemishes and hydrate the skin, it is a good idea to try them. Hair removal and shaving also contribute to darkening of the skin.

With this in mind, you should evaluate whether you can distance yourself from waxing or shaving during pregnancy. Finally, if, in addition to the spots, you have itching and irritation, it is recommended that you visit a dermatologist to evaluate the causes and can offer you a more precise solution.

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