7 Secrets To Reduce Arguments With Your Partner

Arguments in a couple are something that deteriorate the relationship as they become constant and basic aspects such as trust are lost. Keep these 7 tips in mind to improve your relationship.

Over the years, relationships can suffer the wear and tear of day to day. Therefore, it is important to always try to reduce discussions with your partner in the small details. In this article we reflect on those issues that most affect coexistence in relationships. With some advice, patience and affection you can reduce the arguments with your partner and be happier.

7 secrets to reduce arguments with your partner

1. Learn to dialogue without getting angry

Dialogue to reduce arguments with your partner

In the first place, in every couple it is essential to establish a foundation of harmony and respect, even in moments of maximum tension. There are red lines that should never be crossed. Learning to dialogue without getting angry is a requirement as basic as it is necessary in any relationship.

In addition, we need to solve some recurring and repetitive problems that sometimes arise. We cannot anchor ourselves to vicious behaviors that deteriorate coexistence so much. It is necessary to sit down to dialogue and mutually agree so as not to always get stuck with the same problems.

2. Have empathy

We know by heart that empathy is putting ourselves in the shoes of the other, in their situation, but the difficult thing is to put it into practice. To develop empathy we must bury the hatchet and begin to understand that perhaps the other person is also having the same bad time as us.

We cannot have the eternal feeling of being angry with the world or of always believing ourselves to be the good guys in the relationship. In a couple, if you lose one, you both lose. Therefore, it is good to observe all the effort that the other makes to carry out your life together. Therefore, learn to value yourself as the most precious asset.

3. Respect the space and privacy of the other

Couple on a sofa with distrust

If there is no true trust in a couple, nothing can be built together. You must respect those moments that we all need to be alone. It is necessary to have a personal space where you can direct your needs in your own way. And we must be careful not to modify or impose our criteria on those spaces of privacy.

Respect your personal places, drawers, clothes, cabinets, tools, objects or even rooms. In this way, the coexistence will be more fluid and respectful and you can perform both as a couple and individually.

4. Reduce arguments with your partner by supporting the challenges and initiatives of the other

There is nothing more rewarding than the support of your partner in projects that to most may seem crazy. Do not be afraid to imagine, to create new changes that make you feel alive and satisfied with your lives. As small as it may seem, any initiative should be welcomed.

On many occasions, fear of change paralyzes very good professional or personal initiatives. Don’t be afraid to break the status quo and support your partner’s ideas. In this way, you can also participate and contribute new points of view that perfect the original idea.

5. Do not pay with your partner for individual problems

If we have had a bad day or we are going through a bad stage, it is a serious mistake to pay it with the couple. The couple is the mattress of comfort that will help us. It is not our enemy or our container where to deposit all the psychological garbage that we store.

We cannot afford hurtful or rude treatment between the two of us. Likewise, it is not logical that we pay with the current partner for mistakes or damages that others did to us in the past. Therefore, let’s apply common sense and take care of the most precious good that is that of being together.

6. Respect the in-laws to reduce arguments with your partner

Family food

Each family nucleus is a world and each family builds its coexistence in its own way. We cannot make comparisons about our partner’s family. However difficult the relationship with our in-laws may be, we must understand that they are important to our partner and, therefore, we must give them the utmost respect.

Relationships with in-laws are a regular focus of ongoing discussion. In addition, it is something that we cannot neglect or forget because, even if we do not want to, it is part of our own life. In this sense, it is better to offer the best of ourselves and not get into any kind of discussion or competition.

7. Avoid emotional blackmail

Finally, if we love our partner, we cannot impose our criteria on everything that we do not like. Sometimes, it is inevitable to disagree and for that reason we should not use emotional blackmail. In addition, this type of blackmail is basically a deception, since covert methods are used to achieve the objective that is pursued.

It is better to always play cleanly and transparently, to accept even when things are done that are not to our liking. Fear, guilt, or obligation should not be used to coerce our partner into doing something against their will. Let’s learn to love and be honest in every decision we make together.

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