7 Makeup Secrets To Look Fabulous

To know these makeup secrets and put them into practice, you don’t need to be a professional. We know how important it is for you to be well dressed, combed and make up every day. That is why we want to give you some keys that will be of great help to improve your appearance every day.

Presence is something that today is important for every activity you do. Another important factor is the time you have and, since it is usually scarce, you have to know how to take advantage of it.

7 makeup secrets to look fabulous

Without having to spend hours in the bathroom putting on makeup, that prep routine can become simpler and happier. You will see how, with little effort, you will look fresh and radiant, while still being yourself with the following secrets that we are going to tell you about.

1. The perfect touch of highlighter

The blush or blush is the makeup that is placed on the cheeks to give a touch of color to the face. Many times we spend a bit when applying it and, when trying to blur it, we may only be able to extend the makeup stain.

To avoid this, you have to know how to apply a little highlighter on the cheekbone, right where the blush begins. It is a highlight that will accentuate the bone structure and create a much more flattering effect.

How to place the illuminator:

  • Do not powder the brushes excessively, it is preferable to add several layers of product, than to have to remove an excess and, in many cases, to have to wash our face and start from scratch.
  • When you apply the blush or blush, do it just below the line of your cheekbones. Without powdering the brush again, blend the product with light circular strokes. To make it easier to see your cheekbones, you can sink your cheeks, as if you were drinking a soda with a straw.
  • Once you have the blush well faded, proceed to apply, just on the cheekbone line, a light trace of highlighter. This is a small touch of light, so you should not leave it as a line that looks excessively white or heavy.
  • With a brush slightly finer than the blush brush, smudge the trail of highlighter that reaches the hairline a little.

    2. Application of mascara without staining the skin

    Strengthener for the eyelashes.

    The eyelashes are the easiest part of makeup, and also the most attractive of the whole result. However, many people can find it difficult to apply mascara.

    This occurs mainly because they do not know how to distribute the product well, which makes the eye thick and heavy. On the other hand, they may find it difficult not to stain their skin when applying the mask.

    To help you with this, one of the makeup secrets of professionals is the following:

    • Take a clean, dry spoon.
    • When you go to apply the mascara on top, place the spoon on the eyelid. In this way, it will act as a kind of protective shield that will prevent you from staining your skin when passing the mask brush.

      3. Perfect ripped outline

      The following makeup secrets will help you achieve the perfect ripped outline that you want so much. Cat, Egyptian, or casual, none will resist you more.

      For this, you only need a small piece of tape or tape; some also use a small ruler. However, the most popular trick is with duct tape, which you should place as follows:

      • Tape along the bottom lashes.
      • With the eyeliner, follow the makeup line.
      • You carefully remove the tape, and voila! You already have your eyes with a perfect torn outline.

      4. How to make lipsticks last longer


      To give lipsticks a better hold, all you need is a piece of toilet paper, a brush, and some translucent pressed powder. The latter is the one that will take care of lengthening its duration and making all the paint stay in place, without running out of the corners of the lips. Follow these steps:

      • Moisturize your lips with a little cocoa, petroleum jelly, or moisturizer.
      • Line the lips and paint them the color of your choice.
      • Lay the piece of toilet paper over them so that it absorbs a bit of the excess paint.
      • With the brush, apply a touch of pressed powder to the lips. This will help set the product.

      You should take the following into account before applying this technique: by applying a little compact powder, the lipstick will take on a matte hue. If your intention is this, great, but if you want to keep the shine, you have to be careful.

      5. False eyelashes effect

      If you want to achieve an effect of false eyelashes, but without using them, this trick is for you. The following of the beauty secrets that we are going to reveal will help you make your eyelashes have a little more volume, as if you had false eyelashes.

      • Apply a thin layer of mascara.
      • Add a touch of pressed powder to lashes while they are still damp.
      • Paint the lashes again. And ready!

      6. How to recover eyeshadows

      Use brown shadows on your eyelid

      Eye shadows can look very brightly colored and then lose their vibrancy over time. It can also happen that at sight you see it in one way and the eyelid is different.

      Among the makeup secrets, this is undoubtedly one of the most useful. It consists of applying a white shadow first, on the eyelid, and then the colored shadow. Believe it or not, this white base will give that touch of life that paint lacks to show off its color.

      7. Hair spray or hairspray

      Once you finish with all your makeup, you realize that so many products such as powder, foundation, and in general everything that you have applied, has accumulated on the skin and makes it look dry or stiff.

      Do not despair! The following of the makeup secrets of the professionals will help you. It consists of spraying a little spray or hairspray at the end of all your makeup. This fulfills several functions:

      • Helps makeup last longer.
      • Returns the naturalness to the face.
      • It gives light, it illuminates you without giving too much shine to the face.
      • You recover the natural texture of your face.

      Take care of your skin to enhance these makeup secrets

      In addition to all the keys mentioned above, it is also advisable to lead a healthy lifestyle to improve the condition of the skin. With this, your appearance will be favored without the need to resort to makeup.

      What habits are recommended? A Mayo Clinic publication advises taking care of the sun, not smoking, reducing stress and eating healthy to improve the health of the dermis. You will see that this also contributes to your well-being and beauty!

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