7 Foods That Can Speed Up Metabolism

There is a relationship between a slow metabolism and weight gain,  since it is precisely who has the task of deciding how the calories are going to be used. For this reason, it is important to look for the necessary aids to accelerate the metabolism.

For this, you can use several natural tools that are very effective, such as having adequate rest, exercising frequently and, in addition, knowing how to eat a healthy diet, in which foods are consumed that have the ability to accelerate the metabolism.

But what is metabolism? It is the process by which the body transforms food into the energy it needs and then uses to make everything work properly. It is a complex process, in which many chemical and metabolic reactions take place at the same time.

Tips to speed up metabolism naturally

When the metabolism is very slow, less energy is used than it is consumed and, for this reason, fat accumulates. To achieve a good balance, in this sense, we must manage to accelerate the metabolism naturally through some foods that have these properties.


Due to its high capsaicin content , it has been shown to be ideal for accelerating metabolism, being an excellent caloric burner.

Coffee and green tea

Green tea as a good alternative to speed up metabolism

It is popularly believed that consuming four cups of coffee or tea during the day can speed up the metabolism considerably. This is achieved by the contribution of antioxidants that these drinks provide to those who consume them on a daily basis.


Artichokes have an ingredient called lnulin, this is a carbohydrate that is responsible for controlling the amount of ghrelin that the body produces.

Ghrelin is the hormone that is responsible for making you feel hungry or satiated, if we do not have the feeling of hunger, the body is dedicated to burning more calories.



Ginger is popularly considered to have the property of increasing metabolism and the feeling of satiety, making us not have the need to eat every moment.

Nuts and fish

Nuts like fish are important sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce levels of the hormone leptin.

It has been shown that, when this hormone lowers its levels, the metabolism increases its speed, in the same way it increases the burning of calories.

Pears and apples

Pear weight

These fruits must be part of your diet. They are rich in nutrients and must be one of the favorites in your daily menu.

In conclusion, there are foods that can help us accelerate our metabolism, but we must not forget that our diet must be healthy and must be accompanied by regular physical exercise.

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