7 Benefits Of Taking Collagen Daily

Although we can take it in the form of supplements, the best way to consume collagen and obtain all its benefits is through foods that include it naturally, such as spinach .

Many people consider that, to maintain beautiful and healthy skin for longer, it is necessary to take collagen daily after a certain age. To respond to this need

Often times, we may see all kinds of collagen products (creams, lotions, masks, etc.) advertised for skin care. We may also have seen supplements with this element (in the form of powders, capsules, tablets). 

But do we really know what collagen is, what it can do, and how we can take advantage of it? Let’s find out below.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a protein that is present in the body. AND s one of the most abundant components in the skin and bones, therefore, it is associated with the formation of bone cells, cartilage, skin. 

In fact, Dr. Elisa Martin Cano defines it as ” the most important protein in the body ” and comments that its function is not only to provide elasticity to the tissues, but also support and resistance.

What happens when we take collagen?

When taking collagen, the body does not produce this same substance, but divides it into its components (which are amino acids) and will form any protein. So by taking a collagen supplement, we are not helping the body to generate it. 

In other words, when we take a collagen supplement, it does not go directly to the scar that we want to eliminate or the knee joint that we want to improve.

Instead, it is broken down into amino acids, which are left free in the body and can be used to form cartilage on the tip of the foot (to make a nail, for example) or grow hairs on the head.

7 benefits of taking collagen daily

For all the above, it is considered that the consumption of collagen supplements can be beneficial for health. In fact, this has been studied several times.

Let’s see what is usually associated with the daily consumption of collagen supplements, within a healthy lifestyle.

1. Can help nourish muscles

Collagen serves to nourish the muscles.

It is believed that to achieve a healthy, lean and well-toned body, you would have to take collagen to provide extra nutrition to the muscles. This could also help make recovery easier after more intense workouts.

However, there is no evidence that such benefits can be obtained by taking collagen supplements. Therefore, it is best to maintain good lifestyle habits and follow the doctor’s instructions.

2. Improves skin health

It is also believed that taking collagen would promote the generation of new cells and, with this, perhaps the most recent scars that it may present could be eliminated. However, as we discussed before, taking collagen does not go exactly to the point that one wants to ‘repair’.

In a study published in 2015, it was concluded that the consumption of supplements with specific collagen peptides orally can contribute to the health of the skin and the improvement of its structure.

3. It also improves bone and joint health

According to beliefs, taking collagen supplements (without consulting your doctor) may help maintain joint flexibility and lubrication. However, there are those who disagree.

Even so, there are those who consider that if the doctor prescribes them, the supplements could help to take care of the health of the muscles, bones and joints, but always within the framework of a balanced diet and an appropriate exercise routine. Never alone.

4. It would help to maintain the elasticity of the skin

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As the body ages, it loses collagen. Therefore, it should be started to take it (through supplements) to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and  blemishes.

However, it must be taken into account the consumption of this protein is not the solution for aging. Therefore, we must continue to rely on good life habits. Supplements can help maintain skin elasticity, but they won’t 100% stop you from developing wrinkles.

5. It can contribute to the feeling of satiety

Being a protein, it is believed that its consumption (as part of a meal, such as breakfast or a snack) would help to satisfy the appetite and avoid the bite between hours of unhealthy foods, such as snacks , pastries and snacks. candies.

6. It would maintain the elasticity of the blood vessels

According to some hypotheses, the consumption of collagen could help maintain the elasticity of the blood vessels and, in general, the health of the cardiovascular system. For this reason, there are those who consider that perhaps it could reduce the risks of suffering from blood pressure problems and heart conditions.

7. It would contribute to visual health

Collagen could contribute to visual health.

Finally, it is believed that taking collagen could maintain visual health (specifically, the cornea) and prevent diseases that may affect this sense. However, for this to happen, it is essential to maintain other good habits of life.

Collagen will not prevent or cure eye diseases on its own. Therefore, it should always be included within a healthy lifestyle.

How to take collagen daily?

In case the doctor has indicated the consumption of some type of collagen supplement, it will be necessary to follow his indications. On the other hand, whether you take supplements or not, it is recommended maintain a balanced diet.

Some sources of collagen that can be used to supplement the diet are the v green vegetables (broccoli, c ol, spinach, lettuce), the sardines, the others and the chicken.

If you have doubts about how to eat properly, it is best to consult your doctor or nutritionist. The professional can help you choose the best for you and how to maintain it over time.

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