6 Tricks To Clear Your Stuffy Nose In Minutes

Colds are a constant in our lives, especially in times when we are exposed to continuous changes in temperature, such as the beginning of spring or autumn.

Colds bring general discomfort that is increased when, in addition, we have a blocked nose.

Firstly, not enough oxygen reaches our body and, secondly, if we try to breathe through the mouth, its quality will be poor.

This is why finding a way to clear a stuffy nose is important, as it will help alleviate the discomfort of catarrhal processes.

So, pay close attention to the following tricks to clear your nose.

1. Spicy

Spicy foods dissolve mucus and therefore help clear your nose.

To take advantage of its properties, add ingredients such as onion or garlic, preferably raw, to your meals, seasonings such as wasabi or hot peppers, such as jalapeño or serrano pepper.

Of course, do not go overboard with the intake. Too many foods of this type could hurt your stomach.

2. Massage your sinuses

The sinuses are the spaces just next to the nasal septum.

Here a large amount of mucus accumulates, so by applying a circular massage in the area, you will contribute to its dissolution and a less annoying  distribution  of it.

How to do it?

  • Use your index and middle fingers and place your fingertips on your breasts, just below the hollow of the eye, and move them in a circular motion.
  • For 20 to 30 seconds, take care of the areas closest to the nose and, later, those that are just below the eyes.
  • Lastly, rest your thumbs on your cheeks and make outward circular motions.

    3. Control your breathing


    Have you ever plugged your ears and plugged your nose to fix it? If so, you will be quite related to this technique, although it is not exactly the same.

    How to do it?

    • Take a deep breath and hold your nose. Then, with your nose in the same position, try to expel the air as you walk until you start to feel some discomfort.
    • At this time, remove your hands and breathe normally, sit down and see how in a few minutes you will have managed to clear your nose.
    • You can also benefit from breathing techniques to relax.

    4. Tradition rules: apply a saline solution

    In this case you have two options: buy the liquid at the pharmacy or make it on your own at home. In the event that you choose to prepare it at home, you just have to boil salted water and let it cool.

    Once ready, use a syringe to pour the liquid into your nostrils to act as a solvent and clear a blocked nose immediately.

    5. Mint: the enemy of mucus

    Remedy for nasal congestion

    Peppermint has been used since ancient times in colds to alleviate any respiratory problem, because it contains acetic acid and ascorbic acid.

    The potency of these substances is so effective that by using menthol inhalers a couple of times or bringing the classic menthol ointment close to the airways, you will suffocate your problems in a few minutes.

    6. Take a hot shower

    The water vapor will pass through your respiratory system, diluting the mass that prevents the necessary amount of air from reaching you.

    In addition, it is certain that a certain amount of hot water will be introduced directly into the nose, which will help it to decongest.

    Don’t be afraid to worsen your condition with this shower to clear your nose. When you get out of the bathroom, dry yourself well and there will be no problem. Also, keep in mind that you need to get rid of the germs that cause you sneezing or coughing.

    Take good note of these tips as, unfortunately, sooner or later we all end up needing them.

    Thanks to them, you can gain well-being when you or someone close to you catches a cold. It is worth a try.

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