6 Things To Avoid In Your Bedroom

Did you know that there are certain seemingly innocent elements that could negatively impact your night’s rest? Find out what they are in the following article.

There are a number of things you should avoid in your bedroom. These could be related  to your trouble resting and even your bad mood. However, it is never too late to remedy it.

The harmony of a room is built through the details. Many of them tend to go unnoticed by most people, although their implications are likely to be perceived on a psychological level. To achieve that in a room one can feel comfortable and rest well, it is necessary to follow some guidelines. 

6 things to avoid in your bedroom


1. Colors too bright

As suggested by this study carried out by the Higher School of Art and Design of Vic (Spain) , colors could have psychological implications on emotions.

In other words, the use of a certain color could worsen (or improve) rest. According to the previous report, ocher tones would be the most recommended for the bedroom and reddish or orange tones, the least appropriate.

This is due to its association with joy and violence, factors that are not very beneficial when it comes to promoting a night’s rest.

2. Electronic elements

It is common to talk on the mobile with friends or partner before going to sleep, or to watch a movie from the computer once in bed. However, it is not the best alternative when it comes to bedtime if you are looking for a good night’s sleep.

Excess exposure to screens in children

This is due to the overstimulation caused by these electronic devices in the brain, and which could affect sleep at night. If you can help it, sleep away from them.

3. A closet disaster

Even if you close the doors and do not see it, a closet with a lot of clutter is one of the things you should avoid in your room. Try to have all your clothes organized, as well as the boxes that you can store.

Thus, it will  be much easier for you to find any object and, in addition, you will avoid the stress caused by displaying a closet with the garments misplaced or thrown on the floor.

4. A messy desk

It is a case similar to that of the closet, with the difference that here it is not enough to pretend that the disorder is not there. Try not to leave everything lying on the desk, especially, because it will generate more stress.

Clutter, in addition to visually polluting the place, will give you a feeling of disorganization and unfinished tasks. Unconsciously, your mind will carry this over into your everyday life, even when you don’t even remember what’s in your room.

5. Objects under the bed

Many are used to keeping boxes or other objects under the bed, but this is not a good idea. Without a doubt, it is one of the main things you should avoid in your room.

Storing objects there will prevent you from cleaning well, in addition to promoting the accumulation of dust. This, in the long term, can lead to a greater feeling of dirt.

Try storing items in a sealed box, for example in your attic or garage. Another option could be the guest room or, in case you have too many, you can rent a storage room.

6. Elements of physical work or exercise

It is very good to have a stationary bike or an elliptical in your house, but they should not be in your room at all. These work as a distraction, dissipate thought, and channel your focus toward goals other than relaxation and rest.

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However, if you have no other place to put them, make sure they are in a corner, away from the bed. Thus, when you exercise you will not feel that you are in your room, and when you go to sleep, you will be able to avoid the vision of these elements.

Things to avoid in your room … and in your life

By following these recommendations, you will improve your personal space and, as a consequence, your rest. You will see the results on a day-to-day basis; in your work performance, your mood and your relationship with others.

Don’t waste any more time and get organized. You will see how satisfying it is, at the end of the day, to contemplate the serenity and tranquility of a clean and tidy room.

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