6 Ideas To Make The First Date Unforgettable

A first date can be successful or a complete disaster. It depends on you! We give you some tips to overcome all obstacles.

Being yourself is the most important thing when making the first unforgettable date ; but, of course, it is not the only thing, since certain additional ‘ingredients’ are needed. In this article we will tell you some ideas to make that initial meeting the most beautiful of all.

Can you make the first date unforgettable?

By ‘unforgettable’ we mean a positive experience that we will remember forever. Of course, it seems somewhat difficult to achieve for a first meeting, however, the key lies in ‘being ourselves’ and not trying to appear to please the other.

A first date is fraught with expectations, anxieties, and fears; Mainly, if we like the other person a lot or if we haven’t dated anyone for a long time. Women can spend hours trying on the ideal outfit, buying new clothes, and talking to their friends about each accessory.

Men may be a bit simpler, but they do not neglect their appearance : shaving, cutting their hair and wearing ‘the best shirt’ are among their activities prior to a first date.

It is that, in reality, we want to please the other from the first moment; and it’s okay, so be it. However, this alone is not enough: we must also like that (almost) unknown person by showing our best version. As long as a character is not exaggerated or played, it is good to bring out our virtues.

Tips to make the first date unforgettable

A first date can be unforgettable without exerting too much ‘pressure’, since the goal is to get to know each other and then like each other. You don’t have to think about it so much, being yourself is often enough. Take a look at these tips that can be of great help for this very special gathering.

1. Be true to yourself

Woman with expectations.

This means that if you are not used to drinking alcohol, do not agree to go to a bar. Go for a cafe, restaurant, park, museum, or movie theater. If you have the option of proposing the place, choose the one that identifies you or where you feel comfortable. Of course, you must get the approval of the other, so it would be good if they choose an establishment that both like or where they feel comfortable.

2. Dress comfortably

It is true that you do not usually go to a first date dressed in sportswear or in the same way that we are at home on the weekend; but neither should you buy or wear something that does not represent us or is true to our style.

With simplicity and a little care we can see ourselves wonderfully, like and be consistent with our personality. Therefore, if you prefer jeans and you love shoes without heels … Don’t hesitate to wear them for your first date!

3. Avoid complaints and regrets

In other words: Don’t talk about your ex! To make an unforgettable first date, problems cannot be the focus of the conversation. Nothing to regret, to complain and much less to victimize.

It brings out interesting, fun, happy and entertaining topics. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes: would you really like to spend two hours listening to someone sitting in front of you complain about everything, cry for a lost love or regret the things they have not done in their life?

4. Don’t pretend

Just as it is not good to wear clothes that do not represent us, it is not advisable to act or look like someone we are not. Even if you are an excellent actor, leave your artistic gifts for the stage.

On a first date what counts is sincerity and being genuine; Therefore, we advise you to show your essence, your tastes, your opinions and your wishes. You do not want to pretend something that you are not because then you must maintain that lie and starting a relationship based on deception never brings good results.

If there is something you do not like about yourself, for the moment do not say it or show it. .. There will be time in later meetings to get to know each other more in depth. But be careful, because that does not mean talking only about your virtues, since you can be a ‘narcissist’.

5. Not wanting to please the other always

Prepare a blind date

It is true that on a first date everything is gallantry and trying to please, but for that there is also a limit. For example, if the other says something and you do not agree … Tell them! You don’t have to nod as if you were a robot or a doll.

Without getting into an argument – which would make the first date unforgettable, but in a bad sense of the word – you can subtly argue against that opinion or expression. If, on the contrary, you accept everything, even if you do not agree completely, it is the same as pretending to be someone you are not.

6. Take an interest in the other

The best way to have a pleasant conversation is to show interest in the other. Without going to the extreme of ‘questioning’ or ‘interviewing’ we can achieve a pleasant chat if we allow our date to tell things about herself. Do not abuse the ‘I’ in sentences, self-centeredness does not go hand in hand with good relationships.

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