6 Foods That Cause Gout

What happens? You have swollen joints and your big toe hurts a lot, if it is not the first time this has happened to you, it is very likely that you are experiencing a gout attack. Gout is a disorder that occurs due to the accumulation of uric acid in the blood. But do not worry, if you read this article you will know what foods and drinks you should avoid to avoid gout.

What is gout?

It manifests as a painful inflammation in the joints, which attacks the feet, knees, ankles, wrists, elbows and especially the big toe. As a manifestation of arthritis, it causes stiffness, redness, and warmth. Although initially the painful episodes are short-lived, as time passes they tend to become more frequent and longer. According to specialists and scientific literature, if you are a man, have family members who have suffered from gout, suffer from obesity, drink alcohol or consume foods rich in purines, you have a very high probability of experiencing this disorder.

Gout is caused by the build-up of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is produced by the breakdown of purines, metabolized organic compounds inside cells. Normally you eliminate it through the urine, but sometimes this acid accumulates in the form of crystals in the joints, causing swelling and pain. So what do you think if I introduce you …

6 foods and drinks that can cause gout

If you reduce your consumption of foods rich in purine, you will be reducing the possibility of these crystals appearing.



I know you like them but the so-called fruits of the sea can be harmful for people with gout. This is because they contain high levels of purine. Even if you are not sick, specialists recommend not to abuse them. Studies rate them as one of the main risk factors for the development of this disease along with alcohol.

Herring, anchovies and tuna


This species of fish, unlike shellfish that are allowed in small quantities, is totally prohibited for gout patients. Herring has to be completely off your menu. Also, avoid anchovies and tuna. On the other side are the crab, eel, lobster and shrimp, whose security is intermediate. This means that you should not overdo it, but neither should you eradicate it from the diet.

Alcohol increases the risk of gout


Alcohol has been shown to increase uric acid production and dehydration in the body.  Beer and other distilled substances are linked to an increased risk of this condition. I recommend that you control your consumption of alcoholic beverages a little and monitor the appearance of the symptoms described.

The following article presents a very strong association between alcohol consumption and the risk of suffering from gout.



Limit the consumption of red meat, liver, kidney and gizzards that have a high concentration of purines. Specialists recommend a balanced diet with duck and chicken meat.

Drinks with sugar


Sodas that contain corn syrup or fructose, diet sodas, and   packaged juices can be harmful to your health, especially if you have a family history of gout. Sweeteners and other chemicals increase uric acid metabolism.  

Simple carbohydrates

White bread, cakes and candies are prohibited, simple carbohydrates, when digested if not consumed, accumulate in the form of fats in the body and increase the release of uric acid. On the other hand, vegetables such as cauliflower, spinach and asparagus, despite containing a high percentage of prurines, facilitate the excretion of uric acid and are recommended for a balanced diet.

Conclusion on foods that cause gout

To avoid the risk of suffering from gout, the ideal is to combine a low-purine diet with regular fluid intake.

It is interesting to eliminate alcohol from the diet and take special care with seafood, as they can increase the risk of developing this disease.

Images courtesy of Guian Bolisian, Alfa, Gideon, Lindsey G, soyculto, jdolenga, stu_spivack, and Curt Gibbs.

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