5 Ways To Find Motivation If You Are Overwhelmed

Even if you are the most positive person in the universe, it may be difficult at times to find motivation. Sometimes you can fall into a routine in such a way that you even think that positive changes are impossible.

Do not despair, there is still hope.  Motivation is a process that needs time, repetition and discipline, as stated in this study by the National Autonomous University of Mexico. There are some steps that can help you overcome discouragement and make positive progress in your life.

The good news is that anyone can overcome a lack of motivation and achieve their goals. Even the most successful people in the world have had the feeling of being listless or overwhelmed, at some point, and they manage to recover.

Therefore, it is important that you remember that it is never too late to find motivation.

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5 steps to find motivation

Here are 5 simple steps that can help you make the positive changes you need to overcome. obstacles and achieve your goals.

1. Be clear about the objective 

Trouble concentrating

Once you set your goal it is important to recognize those forces that do not contribute to finding motivation as you work for it.

When you break your daily actions and include better habits, you are able to turn your cycle of actions in your favor instead of getting stuck in your bad habits.

They do not necessarily have to be big changes to achieve an improvement. You can start small and it will be much easier to build up the action over time.

This can be as simple as starting to exercise 2 minutes a day, at a certain time, and increasing as you feel necessary.

Program your mind to break your habits and create a routine where you get rewards. 

4. Set a clear goal and work towards it. 

Usually, we seek coherence between who we are and the image we reflect. This may be a  detonator to find motivation to achieve your goals.

For example, yes  you run a marathon, you can challenge your friends to try it or bet a prize in your favor. This will motivate you to work hard to deliver on what you promised.

It’s not necessarily about you becoming a professional athlete or having to get there first. You also don’t have to do it solely for others. L A goal is something personal, therefore achieving your goal should be mainly  to feel proud of yourself.

Talk to people about your goal , write your progress on your social networks and even look for groups that have the same goals. In this way you will have people who support and motivate you.

Read also The benefits of running twice a week 

5. Remember why it all started

It’s easy to lose the momentum you had in the beginning, when you found motivation and set your goal. So you have to constantly remind yourself why it all started .

Use phrases as a reminder that also motivate you, such as mens sana in corpore sana  (“healthy mind in a healthy body”).  It also works to repeat mantras. Put them in places where you can see them late at night and first thing in the morning.

You can go one step further and record a self-motivation video for your “me future” and remind you of your motivations for change and why you should keep going when everything looks so difficult.

The only way you can be aware of what you need to change and improve is when you talk to yourself. 

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you not happy with the life you have? Then, t oma charge of your life and start working on it. Put these ideas into practice and move towards the life you want.

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