5 Myths About The Human Body That You Should Forget

Myths about the body have led us to think that with cold our body weakens. What really happens is that viruses are invigorated

Throughout history the human body has been the object of study of many investigations. In some times, everything related to this field was treated with great care by the various beliefs.

Despite the fact that we have always pursued beauty, publicly asking about how it works was off-limits.

Furthermore, medicine was not a science close to the common citizen.

All this has caused myths about the human body to be reproduced very easily. They have penetrated so deeply in our culture that now we confuse the false with the truth and vice versa.

However, today we have taken a giant step forward. We are not only interested in being beautiful, but we are willing to work hard to stay healthy.

On the other hand, we can access the most innovative clinical trials thanks to information technology.

We are closer to knowledge and, therefore, to solving any doubt at the same moment in which the concern arises. It is enough to have a device with an internet connection.

However, it is very common that the questions are already born from an error.

Popular beliefs are so ingrained that we do not question their veracity. However, surely you have already discovered that some of them were wrong.

And now you are here, not knowing if what you had taken as true really is. Follow us and you will see how we dethrone the most famous legends.

5 myths about the human body that you should discard

1. A good shampoo solves split ends

split ends

Most ads for shampoos and conditioners begin with “split ends?” They want to convince us that using their product will fix the problem.

We can finally have hair as long as we want, without having to visit the hairdresser to make sure our hair looks healthy.

You can go on and on growing, without interruption, as long as we use the right item.

Well, it is totally false. These prevent it from going bad so quickly,  but when it is, there is only one solution: cut.

2. We only use 10% of our brain

This is the typical comment that arises when we see some trick of a mentalist, those illusionists who boast of telepathy and the power to transform reality with the power of their brain.

That is when we remember that the usual thing is that we use a minimum percentage of its power.

Others, however, have the ability to make better use of the organ and, consequently, are able to read our minds.

It may seem disappointing to you, but it is just another myth about the body. The cerebral cortex never stops working.

3. When we are adults our cells do not reproduce

About brown cells ...

We tend to think that aging is due to our cells ceasing to reproduce. Here will be the cause why the skin wrinkles and the bones suffer.

This study shows that this is not entirely true. The cellular system always works, what happens is that changes take place in it.

These alterations are those that are related to it. As time passes, their performance varies, but they continue to be and reproduce.

4. The teeth are white

whiten teeth

We turn on the television and there they are: the stars smiling with immaculate teeth.

Then we look at ourselves in the mirror and realize that ours are yellowish, even though we brush our teeth every day.

Why? Very easy. It is its natural color. The famous teeth are the result of whitening that, in the long term, can even be harmful.

5. Our body is more vulnerable to cold when it is cold

Perhaps this is the one that catches your attention the most. Aren’t flu and colds more common in winter? Sure, but the weakness of our body is not the culprit.

Low temperatures keep viruses alive and strong for longer. This causes them to spread more quickly and defeat our immune system. Thus, it is the potency of viruses that increases and not our vulnerability.

Myths about the human body affect the way we take care of ourselves. In this sense, it is necessary that we approach them to expose them.

Whenever we end up with one, we move towards a healthy life. Let us know if you are concerned about any beliefs, we will be happy to provide you with answers.

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