5 Herbs To Sleep And Relax

Sleep problems can be accompanied by symptoms that reduce the quality of life. Not only do they decrease physical and mental productivity, but they also affect the appearance of some health problems. Have you tried herbs to sleep and relax?

Although it is essential to consult your doctor to determine the causes of sleep problems, you can take into account some plants that promote rest naturally. Of course, the ideal thing is to have the supervision of the professional, since they are not exempt from causing adverse effects.

Also, keep in mind that they do not replace prescription drugs and their effects can vary from person to person. Making this clear, we invite you to discover some options below.

5 herbs to sleep and relax

1. Valerian

Valerian ( Valeriana officinalis ) is a plant native to Europe and certain areas of Asia. However, it is currently very present in North America as well. Its cultivation is typical of humid areas and is so widespread that we find plantations in countries as diverse as Belgium, Holland, India, Japan, Colombia or the Andean regions of Chile and Argentina.

According to a study in the journal Sleep Medicine,  valerian may be effective for a subjective improvement of insomnia. However, it is important to mention that the evidence is limited and more studies are still required on this topic.

Also, as a publication in Mayo Clinic highlights , the dosage is not yet clear, there is a risk of side effects, and, like other herbal supplements, it is not monitored by the Food and Drug Administration.

In any case, if you consider taking this herb to sleep, consult your doctor first to verify that it will not have interactions with other medications and that its use is safe.

2. Chamomile

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is a very widespread plant throughout the world. Its use as a remedy for various disorders dates back thousands of years. Historical sources confirm that it was already used in Ancient Egypt more than 3000 years ago. For its part, in the Roman Empire it was used as a medicinal remedy and also throughout the Middle Ages.

The plant has become popular for being a mild tranquilizer and a sleep inducer. And it is that, as supported by a study published in the medical journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine , it can be useful to promote sleep safely in older people.

These benefits are largely attributed to its content of apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to specific receptors in the brain that can decrease anxiety and initiate sleep. However, as in the previous case, more studies are required to corroborate these effects.

3. Lemon balm

Lemon balm has been used as a relaxant since the Middle Ages in European folk medicine. It has a clean, fresh citrus scent, ideal to enjoy with a tea or as a supplement. It is also one of the herbs that you can add to your pillow in order to improve the quality of your sleep.

According to research data published in the Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, consuming lemon balm extract can significantly decrease insomnia symptoms and other stress-related effects.

Specifically, study participants received 600 mg of lemon balm extract per day for 15 days, showing a 42% reduction in insomnia.

4. Passion flower

Flower of the Passion

This plant comes from the tropical regions of America, where it was widely used by the Aztecs. In a recent research published in Sleep Science it was revealed that the extracts obtained from this medicinal plant can be considered appropriate sleep inducers.

Although there are few studies reviewed, the passion flower is classified as a natural tranquilizer. However, it should be taken with caution, under the supervision of the doctor, especially if you are taking medications or if you have any disease.

5. Mulungu, one of the herbs to sleep

Mulungu is a medium-sized tree that grows to a height of 10-15 meters and is commonly found in Peru and Brazil. Although there are few studies on its properties, a study titled Mulungu -Rainforest Anxiolytic suggests that its sedative effects help control anxiety and insomnia.


Did you know these herbs to sleep? As you can see, there are studies that support the properties of some plants to promote rest. However, in all cases, more research is suggested to corroborate this and establish the doses. Therefore, before using them, it is essential to consult your doctor.

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