5 Healthy Mediterranean Recipes

The Mediterranean diet is one of the best considered. It includes essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body that help prevent the onset of chronic diseases. For this reason, we are going to offer you 5 healthy Mediterranean recipes for you to include in your eating regimen.

Keep in mind that one of the principles of any proper eating plan is variety. It is advisable to introduce foods from all groups to avoid deficiencies of important nutrients that can condition the appearance of dysfunctions. However, it is true that there are substances that must be ingested more regularly than others.

Healthy Mediterranean recipes

The following healthy Mediterranean recipes are simple to prepare and very nutritious. This eating model has been shown to be capable of reducing the risk of developing inflammatory pathologies, thanks to its contribution of lipids.

In addition, it is also effective in combating overweight and obesity, both of which are widespread health problems throughout the world and with a multitude of side effects. But what are we talking about when we refer to this nutritional plan?

The definition of healthy Mediterranean recipes is not as clear cut as it appears to be. Some research agrees that a diet is in this mode when it contains 37% total fat (18% monounsaturated and 9% saturated), 33 grams of fiber per day, and 2,221 kilocalories.

1. Chicken and vegetable stir fry

With this dish you will ensure the consumption of the highest quality protein. Those from meat are characterized by containing all the essential amino acids and a good digestibility value, which ensures their use. Keep in mind that these nutrients are key in preventing dysfunctions in muscle tissue, according to a study published in Nutrition Research.


  • Chicken breast.
  • Courgettes
  • Peppers.
  • Garlic.
  • Onion.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Salt and pepper.
Chicken in the Mediterranean recipe.


This recipe has a very simple preparation. You have to cut all the ingredients into fine dice. First you will put oil in a pan and add the onion and garlic with a little salt. When they are golden brown, proceed to incorporate the rest of the ingredients.

Correct with pepper until you get the desired touch of flavor and let it cook for 7 minutes. You can also cover it to obtain a smoother texture of the vegetables.

2. Baked salmon with roasted potatoes

Blue fish are one of the pillars of healthy Mediterranean recipes. They have significant amounts of omega 3, nutrients that have been shown to help prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases. These lipids are always recommended in any meal plan.


  • A salmon bull.
  • Potatoes.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • Olive oil.


The first thing you will have to do is make the decision of whether to bake the potatoes with or without skin; both options are valid. Once this is done, cut them and put them on a baking tray with a splash of olive oil on top, along with salt and pepper.

With the oven preheated to 180ºC, insert the tray and let the potatoes cook for about 10 minutes. Then, introduce the fish on top of the bed of potatoes seasoned with your favorite spices. After another 10-15 minutes the recipe will be ready.

3. Turbot with sweet potato and peppers

Another recipe with fish, ideal to include in any meal plan. With this preparation you will ensure an adequate supply of nutrients, but not very high in calories. For this reason, it can be introduced into a diet plan with a weight loss goal.


  • Sliced ​​turbot.
  • 1 sweet potato
  • Peppers.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • Olive oil.


The turbot is grilled, with a splash of olive oil and salt. You have to let it cook until it browns a little on the outside and is well done on the inside.

In parallel, some red and green peppers are cut into strips and they are also sautéed with a splash of olive oil. The sweet potato, meanwhile, can be made in the microwave to save time. Simply poke holes in its surface with a fork and place it in the appliance for 7-10 minutes until it is soft.

Prick it with a knife to check its doneness. Cut it up and serve it on the plate with the rest of the ingredients.

4. Rice with chicken and vegetables

Rice is one of the highest quality foods with a high carbohydrate content that we can find, especially in its integral variety. It is a valuable product for athletes, as it has been shown to help in the synthesis of glycogen when ingested after intense effort.


  • 1 chicken breast.
  • 1 cup of brown rice.
  • Various vegetables (peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, aubergine).
  • Salt and pepper.
  • Garlic.
  • Olive oil.


    The first step is to dice the ingredients. In a paella pan, add a splash of olive oil and fry the onion and garlic until golden brown. The next thing is to add the chicken and the rest of the vegetables cut into small cubes.

    Once they are golden brown and almost ready (with the salt, pepper and spices), add the rice on top and cover with 2 cups of water. Reduce the heat to medium and cook until all the liquid has evaporated.

    5. Yogurt with oatmeal and nuts

    Dairy products are essential elements in healthy Mediterranean recipes. It is important to consume them whole, with fat, although without sugar. With this recipe we can make a quick dinner for a day when time is pressing. It is very simple, but nutritious. In addition, it ensures a significant fiber and protein intake.

    Greek yogurt in the Mediterranean diet.


    • Greek yogurt without sugar.
    • Oatmeal.
    • Nuts.
    • Pineapple cut into chunks (optional).


    It is very simple. Pour the yogurt into a bowl and add a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal and a handful of your favorite nuts, albeit natural and unsalted. You can also incorporate some cut fruit and even seeds to maximize the contribution of lipids and micronutrients.

    Prepare healthy Mediterranean recipes

    With the recipes that we have just presented, you will ensure an adequate supply of nutrients in the diet, which will help improve health. In addition, they do not have additives or trans fats or sugars. For this reason, they are suitable for any type of diet.

    They will help you ensure the functioning of the intestinal microbiota and muscle health. On the other hand, the nutrients found in these dishes will be responsible for modulating inflammation in the body.

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