5 Factors That Affect Depression

Depression has been listed as a mood disorder. Those who are depressed often feel deep sadness, in addition to irritability, loss of interest in life, and changes in behavior. Do you know the factors that affect depression?

The origin of this condition can be biological and circumstantial. It is said to be caused by changes in brain chemistry, whether by hormonal imbalances, environmental factors, or the stimulus of a certain situation. However, personal circumstances also play a role in its appearance.

Factors that affect depression

It is important to note that not all periods of deep sadness correspond to depression. A person can go through sad and traumatic events without experiencing symptoms severe enough to be diagnosed with depression.

This disorder has been classified as a serious medical condition, as it can be fatal when it is not treated properly. The quality of life of patients is drastically reduced, to the point of feeling unable to do their daily activities. Sometimes it can even influence the development of other health problems.

Because it is such a complex disorder, there is no single cause to explain its origin. In fact, dozens of factors have been identified that influence depression. Most worryingly, many of them are overlooked as they are part of people’s lifestyles. Discover them!

1. Bad diet

Depressed woman with food and water: factors that influence depression

Poor nutrition can affect our mental health. While it’s easy to ignore, poor diets can cause disruptions to the nervous system and brain chemistry. For example, regular consumption of fat and junk food is associated with a greater susceptibility to stress and depression.

Specifically, a meta-analysis published in 2017 in the journal Pyschiatric Research was able to determine that a dietary pattern characterized by a high consumption of red and / or processed meat, refined flour, sweets, butter and in general products with a high fat content, as well as a low intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with an increased risk of depression.

On the contrary, it appears that eating a healthy diet can lower the risk of depression. Therefore, it is recommended to eat a healthy diet, rich in sources of omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

2. Factors that affect depression: Sleeping poorly

To have a good quality of life, the ideal is to sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day without interruptions. During this period, the body carries out a series of processes that it cannot do at other times of the day. So when there are interruptions to sleep or trouble sleeping, various negative reactions are experienced.

In this particular case, it should be noted that insomnia and sleep disorders are closely linked to depression. In fact, research suggests that people with insomnia are more likely to suffer from depression in the future.

3. Use social networks

Social media

In recent years there have been several investigations regarding the use of social networks and mental health disorders. A study published in the journal Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology concluded that there is a causal link between the use of social networks and problems such as depression and loneliness.

Factors such as constant social comparison or bullying explain these effects. Although its moderate use does not usually have a greater impact, staying on these platforms can be negative. Therefore, the general recommendation is to establish limits or reduce its use.

4. Factors that affect depression: Consume alcoholic beverages

The abuse of alcoholic beverages can cause alterations in brain activity, causing or worsening episodes of depression. Alcoholic people cannot fulfill their work and family obligations, which can influence this disorder.

The most worrying thing is that when alcoholism and depression come together, it becomes more difficult to quit the addiction. Therefore, those who have both problems must have constant professional and family support, going to therapies.

5. Toxic work environments

Stressed woman at work

Many patients affected by stress, anxiety and depression are constantly subjected to stressful or toxic work environments. What does this mean? Well, they are those work environments where there is harassment, overwork, low pay and difficulty in having healthy relationships with colleagues or bosses.

All this is causing uncontrols at a psychological level, since excess stress increases the secretion of cortisol and other chemical substances. To avoid this, simple strategies can be applied: take breaks to rest, avoid overwork as much as possible and set the workplace with relaxing music and aromas.

Do you recognize these factors that influence depression? If this is your case, start taking steps to try to avoid them. Don’t forget that depression is a serious issue that requires professional treatment. If you are experiencing its symptoms, we recommend seeking help.

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