4 Remedies With Parsley To Cleanse The Bladder And Urinary Tract

Parsley is a herb commonly used in the preparation of various dishes. However, it is also used to make various home remedies.

Taking care of the  bladder and urinary tract is important, because not doing so can lead to infections. For this reason we must keep the urinary system clean, to maintain good health. Here we will tell you how to do it with some parsley remedies.

If you feel burning or itching when urinating, it could be a sign of a urinary infection. These types of infections must be treated quickly to avoid complications. That is why you should pay special attention to the care of your urinary system, especially if you are a woman.

How does parsley work on the bladder and urinary tract?

parsley to cleanse the bladder and urinary tract

Parsley is a very popular herb worldwide. It is often used in the kitchen in the preparation of various dishes and, in many homes, it is an ingredient that is never missing.

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), it is a source of protein, fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin A, thiamine folates, flavonoids, myristicin and apiol.

Diuretic and antioxidant properties have been attributed to it, therefore, it has been said that it can help improve health throughout the body and support specific processes such as diuresis.

In the popular sphere it is said that this plant not only helps purify the urinary tract but also helps prevent the formation of kidney stones. 

Home remedies with parsley

According to popular beliefs, the following beverages can support hydration and diuresis, thereby helping to cleanse the bladder and urinary tract.

Although there is no scientific evidence to confirm these beliefs, there are those who have been encouraged to incorporate more preparations with parsley into their diet (such as the following that we are going to comment on), to improve their health.

1. Infusion of parsley with lemon

Infusion of parsley and lemon


  • The juice of 1 lemon.
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter).
  • 1 bunch of fresh parsley (45 g).


  • First, heat the water in a pot and add the parsley.
  • Then, when it reaches a boil, let it infuse for a few minutes. Then turn it off and let it rest.
  • Finally, strain the mixture, add the juice of a lemon and refrigerate it.
  • Serve and consume in moderation.
  • Store in the refrigerator and consume the drink within a maximum of 3 days. In case there is excess, it is better to discard it and prepare another.

2. Parsley, lemon peel and honey remedy

Instead of using lemon juice, in this case you will use the peel of the fruit to make the following remedy.


  • Peel of 3 lemons.
  • 10 tablespoons of parsley root (100 g).
  • 4 cups of extra virgin olive oil (1 liter).
  • Optional: honey.

Preparation and consumption

  • First of all, take the parsley roots and lemons, and clean them very well.
  • Cut the roots and peel the lemons so that you use only the peel.
  • Next, add both ingredients in the blender and process well.
  • Add the olive oil and honey. Blend until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Finally, bottle the mixture and leave it in the fridge to preserve it.
  • Serve and consume in moderation when fresh.

3. Parsley and celery smoothie

This shake is believed to help improve digestive processes and cleanse the bladder and urinary tract.

Celery and parsley smoothie


  • 1 green apple.
  • 2 baby carrots .
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of celery (15 g).
  • 2 bunches of fresh parsley (30 g).


  • Clean the apple, carrot, parsley and celery well. Cut them into pieces and add them to the blender along with a cup of water.
  • Blend for several minutes until you get a smooth mixture. If you prefer, strain it.
  • Serve it fresh and drink it at least twice a day for two days.

4. Parsley and carrot smoothie

bladder and urinary tract

This drink is believed to be rich in potassium, so it could help start the day with more energy and will cleanse your bladder. It is recommended to eat it fresh.


  • 1 stalk of celery.
  • 1 baby carrot .
  • 2 bunches of spinach.
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • 3 tablespoons of parsley (45 g).


  • As in the preparation of the previous shake, you must clean the ingredients very well and cut them into pieces.
  • Add them to the blender along with the water and process for several minutes until smooth.
  • Serve and consume in moderation.

Bladder and urinary tract health

The health of the bladder and urinary tract is very important. Keeping them clean will reduce the risk of UTIs. In addition, not having a clean urinary system can also lead to kidney colic.

On the other hand, do not forget that intimate hygiene is also very important to avoid urinary infections. If you are a woman, you should pay special attention. As the urethra is shorter than that of men, bacteria reach the urinary tract more easily.

Remember to maintain good lifestyle habits to be able to enjoy health and well-being. Therefore, do not rely solely on the consumption of natural remedies.

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