4 Masks With Baking Soda To Remove Blackheads

To remove blackheads and pimples correctly, it is best to go to a dermatology center for a facial cleansing at least once a month. Now, there are those who consider that, in addition to this, they can take advantage of homemade masks with baking soda.

Homemade mask recipes to remove blackheads

The homemade masks that we propose below do not eliminate, by themselves, blackheads permanently. In any case, they would be a complement to the skin care routine.  They are very easy to prepare, have no hard-to-find ingredients, and generally have a pleasant texture and smell.

1. Strawberry mask

This mask to remove blackheads is very simple and combines three ingredients that can be found very easily: strawberries, honey and egg white. Antibacterial properties are attributed to the first two, while moisturizing properties are attributed to the latter.


  • 5 strawberries
  • 1 egg white.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Optional: baking soda.


  • First, beat all the ingredients to form a paste.
  • Then apply the paste to your face with moistened skin.
  • Finally, let it act for a few minutes and remove it with warm water.

2. Mask with lemon juice and brown sugar

It is believed that by exfoliating the skin and cleaning it with lemon juice, you can remove blackheads and, at the same time, prevent their reappearance. While sugar helps remove dead cells, lemon has an astringent and antibacterial effect that reduces infections.


  • 3 tablespoons Brown sugar (30 g).
  • ½ cup of lemon juice (125 ml).
  • Optional: baking soda.


  • First, mix the granulated sugar and lemon juice.
  • Afterwards, apply this mask on a clean face.
  • Next, gently massage with your fingertips, paying special attention to the nose and chin.
  • Finally, let the mask act for a few minutes and remove with plenty of water.

    3. Rosemary water

    Rosemary to relieve tight muscles.

    Rosemary derivatives are widely used in cosmetics, given the different benefits they are capable of providing.  According to beliefs, rosemary water softens and hydrates the skin while tightening the pores. This would be convenient because the smaller the pores, the less likely they are to collect dirt.


    • 2 tablespoons of warm rosemary water (30 ml).
    • Optional: baking soda.


    • First, wash your face with your regular facial cleanser or soap and water.
    • Second, apply the rosemary water to the area.
    • Then let it rest for 15 minutes.
    • Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with a cotton towel.
    • Finally, apply your usual moisturizer to remove blackheads.

    4. Egg and lemon

    It is interesting to know that egg white is an ingredient that has been used a lot in cosmetics and, specifically, in skin care. In fact, a study has even been done on the effect of egg white in healing second degree burns.

    It is said that by combining an egg white with lemon juice you get a mask that deeply cleanses the skin and helps remove blackheads more easily.


    • 1 egg white.
    • Lemon juice drops.
    • Optional: baking soda.


    • First, mix both ingredients.
    • Then apply to clean skin and leave for 20 minutes.
    • Remove with warm water and circular motions to remove blackheads.

    Instead of baking soda, use oatmeal

    Keep in mind that although many homemade masks to remove blackheads and pimples include ingredients such as citrus fruits, baking soda, vinegar, tea tree oil and others in their preparation, dermatologists do not recommend using them in any way in the day by day, since they can cause adverse reactions and worsen the problem.

    If despite this you want to try a homemade mask, at least consider substituting the aforementioned ingredients with honey, flour or oat flakes, which are foods that rarely cause skin problems and have been shown to provide benefits.

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