3 Properties Of Avocado

We are going to present you 3 properties of avocado that make it an ideal food to include in the usual diet. It is an exotic fruit that, little by little, has been included in the western diet guidelines due to its organoleptic qualities and its nutritional value.

It is an oily fruit, with a large seed in the middle that can also be used. Avocado has the ability to ripen quickly at room temperature, so it is always advisable to buy them when they are not yet at their right point of maturity, unless they are to be consumed at that very moment.

Avocado is rich in unsaturated fatty acids

Omega 3 acids are essential nutrients with an anti-inflammatory nature. Their use in medicine, in the form of supplements or under the prescription of a suitable diet, has increased since their protective effects are known.

Its regular consumption is linked to a reduction in cardiovascular risk, as stated by research published in the journal Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology Fortunately, avocados contain these lipids in their composition.

The lipid potency of avocado makes it a healthy food, but very caloric compared to other fruits. A medium piece could contain up to 300 kilocalories. For this reason, it is important to always consume this vegetable in moderation.

When modulating the states of inflammation in the human body, in addition to taking into account the contribution of omega 3, it is necessary to assess the intake of omega 6 fatty acids. The consumption of both must be balanced, in a ratio of 1 a 1. In this way, the risk of developing metabolic diseases is reduced, as confirmed by a study published in the journal  Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.

Avocados on a tray

Avocado contains vitamins

Vitamins are essential micronutrients for the body. They intervene in multiple physiological processes and their regular consumption is capable of preventing diseases.

Avocado, in particular, it contains vitamin E. This is fat soluble, which means that it dissolves and accumulates in fat. Although deficiency is rare, it is always advisable to monitor the variety of the diet so that all the nutrients are provided continuously.

Maintaining the levels of this micronutrient within the recommended is related to the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. This is indicated by a publication in the International Journal of Molecial Science .

Including avocado in the regular diet is a good method to ensure the supply of vitamin E, along with others such as K, with an anticoagulant function. This, clearly, denotes other properties of the avocado that have repercussions at a systemic level.

Fiber as a property of avocado

The last of the avocado properties that we want to share with you derives from its fiber content. This substance is able to stimulate intestinal transit, reducing problems related to constipation.

The consumption of dietary fiber is associated with a lower incidence of gastrointestinal ailments, as stated in a study published in the journal  Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. In people with recurrent intestinal inflammation or irritable bowel, this food changes the bowel rhythm.

Although in some situations fiber supplementation is necessary to reduce episodes of constipation, increasing the intake of this nutrient in the usual diet constitutes a preventive treatment against said pathology. For this, the different elaborations of avocado are an option.

However, high fiber intake is discouraged when there is bacterial overgrowth in the proximal small intestine. In these types of situations, it can serve as food for the pathogenic bacteria that colonize the digestive tract, with the opposite effect to the desired and increased discomfort, in addition to food intolerance.

In the event that you suspect that you may suffer from this last condition, known as SIBO, go to a specialist to remedy it, before including foods rich in fiber. Otherwise, you will end up with a disorder greater than the initial one.

Avocado plant

Avocado is a fruit with several benefits

The avocado has been introduced into the western diet thanks to its organoleptic properties and its health benefits. It accepts multiple forms of preparation and can be integrated into different dishes, making it a very versatile ingredient from a culinary point of view.

In addition, it contains essential lipids, vitamins and fiber. All these nutrients favor the maintenance of a correct state of health and the prevention of diseases.

However, remember not to consume too much, as it is a food with many calories. Including it excessively in the diet could condition its balance, causing a weight gain that is not desirable. Of course, in its fair measure, it is one of the best fruits that can be obtained in the market.

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