14-day Plan To Detoxify Our Body

In the event that a problem is already present, it is necessary to go to a professional to recommend the appropriate treatment, as it should not be treated with any of the diets detox that are so widespread.

Currently there are many plans to detoxify our body naturally, through diet. However, although the detox industry is booming, there is very little clinical evidence to support the use of these diets.

Therefore, to avoid unwanted effects, it is essential to follow only those that respect the concept of a balanced diet. What does this mean?

Well, they are diet models in which all the nutrient groups are included, in their proper measure. Unlike the popular “miracle” regimens, they propose to eat a little of everything, avoiding only foods that can be irritating or laden with toxins.

So, today we want to share a 14-day cleansing plan, ideal for those who are having digestive difficulties, being overweight and other consequences of the accumulation of waste. Dare to follow it!

Why we should detoxify our body

It is not something we “should” do, but it would be very good for our body. Every day we are exposed to toxins, mainly from our diet, but also from negative emotions, bad habits and environmental pollution.

When during a certain period we are absorbing all these toxins, it is more likely that later we will have health problems. If we follow a cleansing diet we can eliminate all those wastes that, when traveling through the bloodstream, trigger diseases.

However, a healthy liver should not accumulate toxins, and if it does, there could be a problem, so it is advisable to see a doctor.

Also, if our lifestyle habits are unhealthy and our diet is deficient, we could be more likely that our organs begin to fail. Therefore, the ideal is to follow a balanced and healthy diet, especially if symptoms such as:

  • Recurrent indigestion
  • Bad breath
  • Acid reflux
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Slow intestinal transit
  • Headaches

Get started with the detox diet

Before starting to detoxify our body, it is good to take into account some very important questions. If there is a serious problem, it is the doctor who has to recommend the most appropriate treatment, this diet can only be considered as a support to medical treatment.

That said, adequate rest is vital, as is including protein and vitamins in your daily diet. It is good to avoid the following foods: gluten, wheat, dairy, and sugar. On the other hand, it is advisable to increase your intake of raw fruits and vegetables, brown rice, nuts, sea salt and olive oil.

According to a study carried out at the University of Navarra, diets rich in fruit fiber notably improved the state of non-alcoholic fatty liver.

On the other hand, so that it does not become a boring plan, meals must be varied and complete. How? Preparing light recipes that contain foods with macronutrients and micronutrients.

Regarding drinks, in these 14 days it is advisable not to consume coffee, milk, soft drinks or alcohol, nor sports drinks or industrial juices. Water is the best alternative, although you can also drink green tea or natural juices.

Detoxify our body

Important issues

Water, our primary source of hydration, deserves a separate paragraph. Many people underestimate the power of this drink and do not consume it properly. During the two weeks, enough water should be consumed according to the needs of each person. 

  • It is important to watch out for symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, or muscle cramps. If these side effects occur, it is best to discontinue the detox plan.

Foods that can not be missing in the diet to detoxify

In addition to the advice that we have offered in the previous lines, it is good to share in detail the cleansing foods par excellence. Make the purchase and don’t forget to have them available for your 14-day detox diet!


Watercress is a source of vitamin C and E, as well as beta-carotenes and minerals. It is good for the liver and kidneys.


Wholemeal bread

It works like a sponge to absorb and subsequently eliminate toxins that accumulate in the walls of the intestine. Therefore, it can help in cases of constipation.


The fiber provided by this fruit is good for improving intestinal health. Drink a glass of natural apple juice per day to lower cholesterol. You can also consume the raw apple as many times as you want.


Grapes contain many antioxidants, as is the case with bioflavonoids. These have the ability to protect cells and it is believed that they could play an important role in reducing the risk of chronic diseases.


It is rich in vitamin C, calcium, iron, and antioxidants. This aromatic helps us improve kidney function. Results of one study suggest that parsley extract could reduce kidney dysfunction in rats caused by prostadine-induced abortion.


Combat uric acid and metabolic waste. The results of this research suggest that celery could reduce the serum uric acid level and indicated its usefulness as a hypouricemic bioactive agent or functional food.


It favors the expulsion of uric acid and other metabolic wastes. A study concludes that the lemon detox program reduces body fat and insulin resistance through calorie restriction and could have a beneficial effect on risk factors for cardiovascular disease.


This delicious fruit could have beneficial effects on the gallbladder, blood pressure and when it comes to eliminating accumulated fluids in the body, thanks to its vitamin C and potassium content.

Integral rice

This food contains a substance known as phytin, its assimilation controls excess acidity and helps to disintegrate toxins. In some investigations, intervention with a high-fiber diet with brown rice effectively improved endothelial function.

As you can see, you can follow a simple plan without falling into extremes. Eat light meals for 14 days and supplement with water and the foods mentioned. Of course, do not forget to consult with your doctor in the case of presenting a problem.

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