10 Signs Your Lungs May Be Failing

There are several signs that can tell you that your lungs may be failing. One of them may be the feeling of fatigue when doing different activities, for example.

Although fatigue can indicate many issues and not necessarily a problem with the respiratory system, when it occurs with other symptoms it may. In any case, it is best to consult with your doctor to obtain a proper diagnosis. This is how Dr. Arantza Campo Ezquibela explains it:

1. Dyspnea, one of the symptoms that your lungs may be failing

Dyspnea is a difficult feeling to define. According to Dr. Noah Lechtzin, it is defined as: “unpleasant or bothersome breathing. Depending on the cause, it is experienced and described differently by patients ”.

In general: dyspnea is the sensation of shortness of breath or discomfort to breathe. It is also described as the feeling of not getting enough air.

According to health experts, this sensation can occur both in healthy people, when making light efforts, such as climbing stairs for example, and in people with a specific disorder.

Dyspnea can be a symptom of asthma, lung infections, heart failure, pulmonary embolism, etc. Therefore, patients should be aware of what to do if they experience it.

Man at the gym with dyspnea.

2. Chest pressure

The pressure in the chest is generally perceived as if a heavy object has been placed on the chest and the air intake is difficult. This can happen both during physical activity and while resting.

However, it is likely to be accompanied by pain when performing common actions such as: coughing, to walk , eating, breathing deeply or bending over. Is it happening to you? In that case, don’t ignore this symptom and go to the doctor for a checkup!

3. Shortness of breath

Breathing is such a common process that it is hardly perceived consciously. So if you start to have difficulty breathing – even in a resting state – it can be a sign that your lungs are failing. Especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms.

4. Constant cough and flu

Cough to stop a heart attack.

Suffering from several episodes of flu in the winter it is quite normal and common, since the temperature contrast favors it, among other issues. The problem is not in the flu as such, but in the recovery. When this takes time to occur, it is time to go to the doctor.

Although it may take a few days for the body to recover from the flu, it is not normal for the process to take too long.

In these cases, the specialist will likely consider checking the body’s defenses first as well as a lung checkup.

5. Wheezing

Wheezing is high-pitched sound (like whistling) that occurs during breathing, that is, when you breathe in and out. This may indicate that the airway is partially blocked.

Have you noticed that a slight hiss appears when you breathe?  This, without a doubt, is an alarm which indicates that your lungs may be failing. To confirm it (or rule it out), it is best to go to the doctor for a check-up.

6. Sputum

Sputum is the name it receives the mixture of saliva and phlegm in the airways . It is common in smokers who usually have a crisis in the morning.  This problem causes a constant urge to spit up and expel phlegm. If we suffer it frequently, we should consult with the doctor. 

If it is an advanced pathology, there may be coughing up blood.  For example, it may be the case of pulmonary embolism or tuberculosis.

Don’t ignore an unexplained cough of blood. It needs to be reviewed urgently to rule out any negative prognosis.

It is always best to prevent than to cure

Cigarette, skull and coins.

These changes in the body set off alarms, so it is not good to ignore them. Being vigilant and going to the doctor without delay could help the specialist to detect any disease early.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that taking care of health is not only based on recognizing changes in the body and going to the doctor. L Prevention on a day-to-day basis is also very important. 

Yes, there are some things you can do to strengthen your lungs. This way you will avoid damage to your respiratory system; something that, without a doubt, will influence you to enjoy a better quality of life.

Basic Recommendations

Put these 5 basic recommendations into practice to take care of your lungs :

  • Practice deep breathing.
  • Do not smoke. It is essential and perhaps the most important.
  • Exercise daily. There are various exercises to strengthen the lungs. If you have doubts, ask an expert or specialist.  The practice of yoga is one of the ones that provides the best results, according to a study published in 2017.
  • Eat healthy. Avoid ultra-processed and industrial edibles in general, as well as alcohol and other substances that only harm the body.
  • Avoid contamination. It may be difficult nowadays but, if possible, stay away from air pollution as well as smoking areas. Ventilate your home well every day and avoid overexposure to sources of smoke that can cause coughing and other discomfort.

The most common lung disease

Among the health conditions that most attack the respiratory system are asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD ). The latter usually appears  in people who have smoked for more than two decades, although it can also affect with less time.

Its appearance is attributed mainly to the consumption of tobacco. However, there are also cases in people exposed to chemical substances, environmental pollution and dust .

Now that you have discovered those symptoms that may alert you that your lungs may be failing, start taking precautions.  We insist on the importance of early detection and the care with which the lungs can be protected. And before any sign of alarm we recommend going to the doctor.

After all, they are one of the most important organs for our body. Take care of them properly and improve your quality of life. 

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