10 Negative Effects Of Stress On Your Health That You Should Not Forget

Are you part of the group of people who are frequently subjected to stress? Careful! Although at first you ignore it, This emotional state negatively impacts your physical and mental health.

When the body perceives a threat or is going through a moment that generates pressure, the hypothalamus sets off an alarm system in the body through the nervous system and hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

In a slight way it can only influence mentally; however, if left unchecked, it becomes a potential cause of muscle aches, digestive problems, and even heart problems.

It is important that we always have professional help. There are very effective psychological therapies that can make it easier for us to better manage and handle these states. It is also important to note that there are many  effects the body is exposed to when stress is not curbed.

C.  Nasca   AND. Davis  Bigio and B  McEwen (2017) conducted a study to determine those not-so-known consequences that this psychological state usually generates in our body.

Next we are going to share the 10 most common and dangerous at the same time. Discover them!

1. Tinnitus and stress

Tinnitus is an auditory disorder that occurs near the inner ear, due to physiological alterations such as the narrowing of the blood vessels.

Although its main cause is constant exposure to loud noises, it is proven that those people who suffer from stress are at high risk of suffering from a subjective type, that is, those who produce sounds that no other person can hear.

In fact, studies such as the one carried out at the University of Durkham, indicate that despite the absence of a clearly effective medical treatment to reduce its presence, there is a psychological strategy that alleviates it significantly: learning to manage stress .

2. Overweight and obesity

Having these types of emotional imbalances significantly increases the risk of gaining weight to becoming overweight or obese.

This is due to the feeling of anxiety with which it is accompanied, which makes the person feel a strong need to ingest more calories to satisfy their deficiencies.

The University of Illinois conducted a study in 2008 where it demonstrated this clear relationship, where obesity often has the mark of emotional disorders.

3. Hypertension

High blood pressure is one of the cardiovascular diseases that most affects people around the world. It occurs when there is a considerable increase in blood pressure inside the arteries, either due to the formation of a clot or the narrowing of the vessels.

Although there is no exact cause to explain its origin, stress can have a direct influence by increasing the levels of hormones in the blood.

It is very important to treat it in time since, if not, it can damage the heart, blood vessels, eyes and kidneys.

4. Irregular menstrual periods

By causing alterations at the hormonal level, it is not surprising that this emotional state is also a direct cause of irregular menstrual periods.

This can cause the woman to have a very short menstruation or, on the contrary, it can occur in excess and last for several days.

5. Back pain

girl suffering from stress back pain

Back pain is, after infections, the second most common cause of medical visits worldwide.

At present it is a fairly widespread nuisance, since heavy work, continuous hours and the feeling of stress influence its appearance. When it is due to the latter reason, it is common for it to spread to the shoulders and neck.

6. Headache

The headache can be tension-type or, in worse cases, it can be a migraine. Sometimes it affects a general level, but almost always occurs on one side of the head.

Although it is a common symptom of many pathologies, most of the time it has something to do with stress. The high levels of cortisol and the muscle tension that occurs are triggers for this annoying condition.

7. Insomnia

Sleep disorders, especially insomnia, are very common in those who cannot control their stress.

This is due to the imbalance that it produces in the nervous system, which prevents the correct secretion of melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone.

8. Acne

The skin also suffers the consequences of this disorder. By raising cortisol levels, the production of body oils and fats is increased, which participate in the formation of pimples, blackheads and blackheads.

9. Hair loss

Stress hair loss

Hair loss problems are often directly related to frequent tension and stress.

This weakens the hair follicles or can cause anxiety to lead the person to pull their hair to deal with negative feelings.

10. Stomach ulcers

The digestive system is closely associated with emotional disorders. If stress attacks stomach acids are produced in excess, and promote the formation of ulcers, indigestion and inflammation.

For all the risks involved, learning to manage stress is essential. At our disposal we have the good professionals of psychology to guide us in the understanding and good management of these dimensions.

Also, the practice of relaxation techniques and breathing, Mindfulness or yoga can also be of great help.

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